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The following candidates were nominated
at Scone, on Saturday, for the Upper
Hunter electorate: - Messrs. Alexander
Bowman, R. G. D. Fitzgerald, John
McElhone, and J.T. Wilshire. The candi
dates addressed the electors. At the last
moment Mr. M'Elhone's friends nominated
him, notwithstanding his statement that he
would not stand. His nominator publicly
stated that he had no authority to nominate
Mr. M'Elhone. The show of hands was
declared to be in favour of Mr. M'Elhone
by a slight majority, and was as follows :-
M'Elhone 50, Fitzgerald 30, Wilshire 15,
Bowman, 10. It is thought that if Mr.
M'Elhone withdraws, Mr. Fitzgerald's
return is certain, Otherwise it is very
doubtful who will be returned.-- E. News.