We avail ourselves of the kind permission of the Mayor to publish the following extracts from a letter, dated Cooma, 2nd instant, which has been received at Armidale since ...
Article : 2004 words view this articleDuring the last week it has been raining nearly every day, in heavy showers, though not so much as to raise the creek. The Beardy, however, was not fordable on ...
Article : 938 words view this articleWE compile the following from the various journals to hand. Last Saturday's ' Tamworth Examiner' says:—It is reported that a very serious ...
Article : 2510 words view this article{No abstract available}
Detailed Lists, Results, Guides : 454 words view this articleWALCHA.—On 19th Jan., from Glen Morrison; damages, £1 per head:—Chesnut mare, A—P near shoulder; foal at foot; brown mare, docked, O over N near ...
Article : 351 words view this articlePRICE OF SLAVES.—Slaves command a higher price in Kentucky, taking gold as the standard of value, than in any other of the Southern States. In Missouri they are sold ...
Article : 810 words view this articleSince our last, Armidale has been visited by very heavy rains, accompanied by a close, muggy atmosphere. On Wednesday night, Mr. Boardman informs us, three inches of ...
Article : 254 words view this article{No abstract available}
Detailed Lists, Results, Guides : 44 words view this article{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 14 words view this article{No abstract available}
Advertising : 843 words view this articleThe election of two Aldermen, in the place of Messrs. Jackes and Tysoe, whose term of office had expired, took place at the Armidale Council Chambers on Tuesday last. Mr. ...
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