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Death After Long Illness
Senator E._J. Russell, who was
an Assistant Minister and Vice-
President of the Executive Coun
cil in the last Hughes adminis-
tration, died this morning at
6.30 at tho Sun-
bury Hospital
for tho Insnne.
whoro ho . had
been an Inmate
Cor a o m o
month a. Tho
cauBo of death
was dtacaao of
tho brain.
Tho lato Sena
tor waa born at
Warrnambool In
1879, and waa
t h u a 4 6. II o
was first elected
to tho Sonata for
Victoria at the
goneral elections
In 1906. and had
since hold Ills seat continuously, being
ro-clcctcd In 1913, 1914, and 1919. Ho
waa duo to retire at the end of tho
present Parliament.
Several times ho has hold Minis
terial rank. Ho was assistant Minister
in the fourth Fisher Ministry, from
September, 1914, to October, 1916,
and again In tho first and second
Hughes Ministries from October,
1916, to February, 1917. In the
third Hughes Ministry which follow
ed, ho was Honorary Minister till
January, 1918. Ho was Vice-Presi
dent of tho Executive Council from
March, 1918, till Docombor, 1021, and
was Acting Minister of Defonco in
Senator Russell represented tho
Government on tho Australian Wheat
Board, of which ho was subsequently
chalrmnn. He was also vice-president
of tho Commonwealth Board of Trade
n 1918.
Starting lifo as a dray driver, Sona-
:or Russell first Joined up with tho
Labor Party. However, ho split with
hat party on tho conscription lssuo.
3n tho ovo of tho first conscription
-oferondum, he, together with two
ithcr members of tho Hughes Minis
try, repudiated Mr Hughes; but after
.ho referendum Joined dp again -with
the Prlmo Minister.
Ho was chairman of tho press com
mittee in connection with tho visit of
tho American Fleet in 1908.
Flngs wdro fiown at half-mast over
the Federal Parliament House, Spring
street, today, as a tribute to tho late
Senator RussolV .
f" Ao- Premier;1 (Mr Atli<j) J,. who was
Wyuria Sbuth, -raid ' iitov Treasurer
1 Alexander- Peacock), who was stl'
?reawlck, were advised by their de
partments of tho doath of Senator
Russell, as it will bo their duty to
Inko tho Initial stops for summoning
a Joint sitting of both State Houses
to elect a successor to the Senate,
Tho Chief Secretary (Dr. Argylo).
tho senior Minister In town today,
said that as Minister and private
mombor the late Senator Russell had
given great service to Victoria and
Australia. Political friends and op
ponents sharod tho regret generally
folt that in the last yoar or two of
his llfo he was out of action owing
to his serious illness.