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. MELBOURNE. Fridav.
In the Senate, the President took the
chair af 11 a.m. to-day.
Senator Gardiner asked: Has the Gov
ernment seen statements that British finan
ciers are boycotting Queensland?
Senator Pearce: I have seen statements
that Mr. Theodore is in Britain endeavor
ing: to raise money, and that he- is - propos
ing certain adjustments in legislation. It
is hoped that his. mission may be success
ful. ' ? , ?
Senator Lynch : Has the Government
notices that certain' people intend going to
Russia? 11 bo, , will the. Government,
facilitate their passage, and also notify
others not willing to live in Australia thax
similar facilities will be given them?
Senator Pearce: The Government will
give the matter early and serious con
Senator Pearce told Senator Grant that
an expedition had been despatched to the
Sepik River, in New Guinea, to investigate
a reported! fight between native tribes, in
which it is alleged 68 natives were killed,
and a considerable number wounded.
Senator Pearce told Senator Lynch that
about 200 tons of coal was still on tho
Australia. Presumably the contractors to
whom the Australia was handed would re
move the' coal if they could profitably do
so. The coal was in various bunkers, and
at the time of handing over the vessel to
the contractors could only have been re
moved by hand labor at a cost in excess of
its value. ?
Six months' leave of absence was grant*
ed to Senator Russell owing to ill heaith.