Australian foreign affairs record

Call Number
N 327.94 CUR
[Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service], 1973-1988
Vol. 57 No. 2 (February 1986)
View Catalogue


CONTENTS 3 , 4 , 5
Australia and ASEAN 7 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
Aspects of Australian foreign policy 12 , 13 , 14
Conference on Disarmament: Australian statement 15 , 16 , 17 , 18
Pacific Basin security: implications of changing economic structures 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24
Australia's economic achievements and prospects 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29
Aboriginal affairs: pottery exhibition in Brazil' 30 , 31 , 32
Parliament Department of Foreign Affairs: staffing of policy sections 33
ILO conventions 33 , 34
Department of Foreign Affairs: publications 34 , 35
Australian Antarctic Territory: satellite terminals 36 , 37
Nuclear power stations overseas 37 , 38
Antarctica: Australian research projects 38 , 39
Economic and technological development overseas: Australian views 40
Immigration statistics 41
IYP: International Conference on the Role of Students and Young People in Development and Peace 41
Australia-PNG relations 42
International Year of Peace: funding arrangements 43 , 44 , 45
Pacific area defence equipment exhibition 45 , 46
CSIRO: biological research 46
Transnational corporations: code of conduct 47
Australian uranium policy: exports to France 47
East Timor: international access 47 , 48
Regional nuclear tests: fallout risks to Darwin and Perth 48
World Heritage Listing: rainforest conservation 48
Philippines: investment in Australia 49
Koalas 49 , 50
Philippines: presidential elections 50 , 51
Torres Strait: inclusion in Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 51
Immigration program: community relations and unemployment 51 , 52
Kangaroos 52 , 53
Aid: Non-Government Organisations 53 , 54
Apartheid: Australian companies operating in South Africa 54
Australia-U.S. joint defence facilities 54 , 55
Immigration: National Identification System 55 , 56
Defence: railgun research in Australia 56
U.S.-Palau: Compact of Free Association 56 , 57
Australian Defence Force: opposition to a nuclear weapons component 57
UNESCO: withdrawal by UK 58
Greenpeace: sinking of the Rainbow Warrior 58
Greenpeace: sinking of the Rainbow Warrior 58 , 59
Greenpeace: sinking of the Rainbow Warrior 59
Greenpeace: sinking of the Rainbow Warrior 59 , 60
Greenpeace: sinking of the Rainbow Warrior 60
Greenpeace: sinking of the Rainbow Warrior 60 , 61
USSR: naval presence in the Pacific and Indian Oceans 61
Haiti: overthrow of dictatorship 61
International Fund for Agricultural Development 61 , 62
Kangaroos 62 , 63 , 64 , 65
Australia-Indonesia relations 66
Australian economy: foreign ownership and control 66 , 67
Cyprus: UN negotiations and Australia's role in the Commonwealth Action Group 67 , 68
Antarctica: alleged environmental neglect at Australian bases 68
Immigration: financial assistance for ethnic groups 68 , 69
Philippines: U.S. military assistance program 69
ANZUS: Australian views on the NZ-U.S. controversy 69 , 70
Satellite communication: U.S.- Australia operations 70
Apartheid: ban on mail service to South Africa 70 , 71
International Year of Peace: Australian participation 71
Philippines: Defence Co-operation Program 71
Philippines: presidential elections 71 , 72
Australia-Philippines relations 72
Iran-Iraq war: Australia's role in the UN Security Council 72 , 73
South Africa-U.S.S.R.: political detentions 73
Immigration: abduction of Australian citizen 73 , 74 , 75
Australia-South Africa: Rotary exchange students 75
Philippines: presidential elections 75 , 76
South Africa: resignation of the leader of the Progressive Federal Party 76
South Korea: human rights issues 76
ANZUS treaty 77
Australia-UK: reciprocal health arrangements 77 , 78
Entry to Australian ports by French naval vessels 78
British atomic tests in Australia: Royal Commission report 78 , 79
Immigration: security and processing procedures 79
Philippines: presidential elections 79
Guatemala: human rights issues 79 , 80
South Africa: ban of Australian petroleum exports 80 , 81
Republic of Korea: electoral system 81
UNESCO: cost of Australian participation 81
Apartheid: South African Defence Campaign of Australia publication 81 , 82
United States: nuclear strategy 82 , 83
U.S.-Australia defence co-operation 83 , 84
USSR nuclear disarmament and arms control proposals 84 , 85
Statements Australian presidency of the Conference on Disarmament 86
Apartheid: statement by the President of South Africa 86
Visit by President of Malta 86 , 87
Australia-Malaysia educational links 87 , 88
International Year of Peace: 'Overture for Peace' 88
Middle East: interception of Libyan aircraft by Israeli Airforce 89
Philippines: Australian assistance to UNICEF programs in Negros 89
Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs: appointment of Senior Private Secretary 90
International Year of Peace: grants for national IYP projects 90
Australian War Memorial: annual history conference 90 , 91 , 92
Senior Public Service appointments 92
Diplomatic recruitment 92 , 93
Visit by the Minister for Trade to Washington 93 , 94 , 95
British atomic tests in Australia: Royal Commission report 95
Iran-Iraq war 95
Immigration: Adult Migrant Education Program 96
Appointments to Australian Heritage Commission 96
Immigration: overseas award for Australian video 96 , 97
Australian Defence Force: new Command Headquarters 97
China to participate in Expo 88 98
Immigration: temporary concessions for Lebanese 98 , 99
Australia-Philippines relations 99
Foreign exchange: Capital Gains Tax 99
Australia-U.S. joint defence facilities: official photographs of Pine Gap 99 , 100
British atomic tests in Australia: Royal Commission report 100 , 101
Australia-NZ-UK defence co-operation 101 , 102
Visit by Indonesian Chief of Air Staff 102
Travel in Philippines 102
Philippines: recall of Australian Ambassador 102
ASEAN-Australia Forum 102 , 103
Australian food aid for Africa 103
Visit by Chief of U.S. Pacific fleet 104
Travel in Sri Lanka 104
Visit by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to South East Asia 105
Iran-Iraq war 105
Philippines: return of Australian Ambassador 105
Philippines: presidential elections and change of government 105 , 106
International Year of Peace: 'Hypotheticals' program 106
Iran-Iraq war: use of chemical weapons 106 , 107
Immigrants and integration into Australian society 107 , 108
Australian representation overseas 108
Foreign representation in Australia 108
No title 109 , 112



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APA citation

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade & Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. (1973). Australian foreign affairs record Retrieved June 27, 2024, from

MLA citation

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. Australian foreign affairs record [Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service], 1973. Web. 27 June 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade & Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. 1973, Australian foreign affairs record Australian Govt. Pub. Service], [Canberra viewed 27 June 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | author1=Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
  | author2=Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs.
  | title=Australian foreign affairs record
  | year=1973
  | section=16 volumes : illustrations ; 25-30 cm.
  | issn=0311-7995
  | issue=Vol. 57 No. 2 (February 1986)
  | location=[Canberra
  | publisher=Australian Govt. Pub. Service]
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-1213698430
  | access-date=27 June 2024
  | via=Trove

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