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Baxter, George & Leary, J. (1841). Two specimens of printing in oil colours : one representing the reception of the Rev. John Williams at Tanna, in the South Seas : the other, the massacre of that excellent missionary on the Island of Erromanga, where he and his friend, Mr. Harris, became the proto-martyrs of Christianity in the Australian seas Retrieved December 24, 2024, from
Baxter, George and Leary, J. Two specimens of printing in oil colours : one representing the reception of the Rev. John Williams at Tanna, in the South Seas : the other, the massacre of that excellent missionary on the Island of Erromanga, where he and his friend, Mr. Harris, became the proto-martyrs of Christianity in the Australian seas London: George Baxter, 1841. Web. 24 December 2024 <>
Baxter, George & Leary, J. 1841, Two specimens of printing in oil colours : one representing the reception of the Rev. John Williams at Tanna, in the South Seas : the other, the massacre of that excellent missionary on the Island of Erromanga, where he and his friend, Mr. Harris, became the proto-martyrs of Christianity in the Australian seas George Baxter, London viewed 24 December 2024
| author1=Baxter, George.
| author2=Leary, J.
| title=Two specimens of printing in oil colours : one representing the reception of the Rev. John Williams at Tanna, in the South Seas : the other, the massacre of that excellent missionary on the Island of Erromanga, where he and his friend, Mr. Harris, became the proto-martyrs of Christianity in the Australian seas
| year=1841
| section=7 p. ; 41 cm. + 2 prints : oil ; 21 x 31.8 cm.
| series=Rex Nan Kivell Collection ;
| location=London
| publisher=George Baxter
| url=
| id=nla.obj-138467850
| access-date=24 December 2024
| via=Trove
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