Buckland, John L. (1939). Leaving the Southern mainline near Campbelltown, the now closed Camden branch of the NSW Railways climbed out of the valley on a 1 in 19 gradient necessitating use of up to 3 engines on the annual excursion trains run in connection with the Via Crucis religious pilgrimage at nearby Maryfields each Good Friday. Here three of the 20-class 2-4-6 Tank engines lift the nine car special shuttle train which used to provide connection with the mainline trains from Sydney at Campelltown. The date was Easter, 1939 Retrieved December 23, 2024, from
Buckland, John L. Leaving the Southern mainline near Campbelltown, the now closed Camden branch of the NSW Railways climbed out of the valley on a 1 in 19 gradient necessitating use of up to 3 engines on the annual excursion trains run in connection with the Via Crucis religious pilgrimage at nearby Maryfields each Good Friday. Here three of the 20-class 2-4-6 Tank engines lift the nine car special shuttle train which used to provide connection with the mainline trains from Sydney at Campelltown. The date was Easter, 1939 : , 1939. Web. 23 December 2024 <>
Buckland, John L. 1939, Leaving the Southern mainline near Campbelltown, the now closed Camden branch of the NSW Railways climbed out of the valley on a 1 in 19 gradient necessitating use of up to 3 engines on the annual excursion trains run in connection with the Via Crucis religious pilgrimage at nearby Maryfields each Good Friday. Here three of the 20-class 2-4-6 Tank engines lift the nine car special shuttle train which used to provide connection with the mainline trains from Sydney at Campelltown. The date was Easter, 1939 , viewed 23 December 2024
| author1=Buckland, John L.
| title=Leaving the Southern mainline near Campbelltown, the now closed Camden branch of the NSW Railways climbed out of the valley on a 1 in 19 gradient necessitating use of up to 3 engines on the annual excursion trains run in connection with the Via Crucis religious pilgrimage at nearby Maryfields each Good Friday. Here three of the 20-class 2-4-6 Tank engines lift the nine car special shuttle train which used to provide connection with the mainline trains from Sydney at Campelltown. The date was Easter, 1939
| year=1939
| section=1 photograph : b&w ; 20.2 x 26.4 cm
| series=Buckland collection of railway transport photographs.
| publisher=
| url=
| id=nla.obj-155092967
| access-date=23 December 2024
| via=Trove
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