Annual report / Australian Sports Drug Agency

Australian Sports Drug Agency
Call Number
Nq 328.94 AUS
Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1991-2005
2000/2001, PP no. 95 of 2002
View Catalogue


annualreport AUSTRALIAN SPORTS DRUG AGENCY 00:01 3 , 4 , 5
Contents 6 , 7 , 8
Chairman's Summaiy 9 , 11 , 12
2000-2001 Highlights 13 , 14 , 15 , 16
Board 17 , 18 , 19
Organisational Overview 21 , 22
Increasing the Scope of Drug testing 23 , 24 , 25 , 26
Designing and Delivering Education and Information Services 27 , 28 , 29 , 30
Building Strong Anti-Doping systems 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35
Investing in our People 37 , 38 , 39
Corporate Governance 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46
Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee (ASDMAC) 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51
Glossary 53 , 54
Appendices Appendix A - Drug Testing for 2000-2001 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 64
Appendix B - Register of Notifiable Events 65 , 66
Appendix C - Entries on Register of Notifiable Events from Previous Years where Outcomes were to be Advised 67
Appendix D - Summary of Product Distribution and Usage 67
Appendix E - International Anti-Doping Arrangements and Drug Testing Agreements 68 , 69 , 70 , 71
Appendix F - Powers of the Minister under the ASDA Act 72
Appendix G - The Objects, Functions and Powers of the Agency as Specified in the ASDA Act 73 , 74
Appendix H - Resources for Outcome 1 75
Appendix 1 Strategic Plan Performance Outcomes Summary 76 , 77 , 78 , 79
Appendix J - Financial Statements 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 , 103 , 104 , 105 , 106 , 107 , 108 , 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116 , 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 , 124
Appendix K - Office of Independent Observer 125 , 126 , 127
Appendix L - Office of Independent Observer: Pre-Games ASDA Audit 128 , 129
Appendix M - Report on Reiterer's Allegations Concerning the Australian Sports Drug Agency's Drug Testing Program 130 , 131 , 132 , 133 , 134 , 135 , 136 , 137 , 138 , 139 , 140 , 141
Appendix N - ASDMAC Functions (excerpt from ASDA Regulations) 142
Appendix O - ASDMAC Member Profiles 143
Appendix P - ASDMAC Approvals by Sport Since Inception to June 30, 2001 144 , 145
Index 147 , 148 , 149 , 150 , 151 , 152 , 153 , 154 , 156



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APA citation

Australian Sports Drug Agency. (1991). Annual report Retrieved October 7, 2024, from

MLA citation

Australian Sports Drug Agency. Annual report Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1991. Web. 7 October 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

Australian Sports Drug Agency. 1991, Annual report Australian Govt. Pub. Service, Canberra viewed 7 October 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | author1=Australian Sports Drug Agency.
  | title=Annual report
  | year=1991
  | section=v. : illustrations ; 25 cm.
  | issn=1037-3780
  | series=Parliamentary paper (Australia. Parliament)
  | issue=2000/2001, PP no. 95 of 2002
  | location=Canberra
  | publisher=Australian Govt. Pub. Service
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-1615598647
  | access-date=7 October 2024
  | via=Trove

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