Parau no Iesu Christ te Temaidi no te Atua : e no te mou pipi nona

Call Number
FC F594
Sydney : Printed by G. Howe, 1814
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PARAU NO IESU CHRIST TE Temaidi no te Atua; 2
PENE I. No Iaharia, e tana Temaidi o Ioane. 7
PENE II. No Mari te Meduavaheine no Iesu Christ. 8
PENE III. Te fanau ra no Iesu Christ. 10
PENE IV. Te taparahira hia o le Temariri no Betelehema. 14
PENE V. To Ioane hapi haere ra te taata. 15
PENE VI. To Iesu Christ haere ra te Oroa i Galilea. 17
PENE VII. To Ioane Pahe ra. 18
PENE VIII. To Iesu Christ faora haere ra te mao e te uruhia te Varua ino. 20
PENE IX. To Iesu Christ hapi haere ra te taala, e te faora rahia te taata mai te mahana Atua. 22
PENE X. Te ora ra o te Taata rima maro. 25
PENE XI. Te hui pipi no Iesu Christ. 27
PENE XII. Te ora ra o te pue taala uruhia te Ti, e te tomora te Varua ino roto te Bua. 29
PENE XIII. Te Temaheine a Iairo te orara. 30
PENE XIV. Te hui pipi no Iesu Christ, te fatonorahia hapi te Parau na te Atua, e i faora te mai. 33
PENE XV. To Iesu Christ haere no'ra nania te are. 35
PENE XVI. No Iesu Christ. te haere ra nia te moua, e te huipipi o Petero, o Iacobo e o Ioane, e te haere ra mai o Mose, raua o Elia. 37
PENE XVII. Te ora ra te hoe taata mata rui. 39
PENE XVIII. Te ora ra no Lazaro. 40
PENE XIX. To Iesu Christ haerera Ferusaleina na nia le bua noro feuua. 42
PENE XX. To Iesu Clrist hauare rahia e Iuda te hoe pipi nonaihio. 44
PENE XXI. To Iesu Christ harurahia e Iuda e te feia lahua ma. 46
PENE XXII. To Iuda fa au ra. e te Pohe ra no Iesu Christ. 49
PENE XXIII. Te tanu ra no Iesu Christ, e te tieirahïa te fahiau. 51
PENE XXIV. Te Iesu Christ ora ra mai. 52
PENE XXV. To Iesu Christ haere faite ra mai te huihoa. 54
PENE XXVI. Te apo ra o te hui hoa, e Iesu Christ tomo ra mai te fare opanihïa ra. 57
PENE XXVII. To Iesu Christ haere faite ra mai talai, te amura te maa rida, e te haere ra nia te rai. 59
PENE XXVIII. To te hui pipi ururahïra te Varua no to Atua. 61
PENE XXIX. Te faora rahïa o te Taata pirioi. 63
PENE XXX. To Petero raua o Ioune, tapea rahïa te hui tahua. 65
PENE XXXI. To Anania havare ra, e te pohe ra hiora. 68
PENE XXXII. To te mou hoa no Iesu Christ tapea rahïa, e te ora ra. 70
PENE XXXIII. No Philipa te hoe hoa no Iesu Christ. 72
PENE XXXIV. No Saula, tona farôra te parau na Iesu Christ. 75
PENE XXXV. To Tabita faora rahïa e Petero. 78



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(1814). Parau no Iesu Christ te Temaidi no te Atua : e no te mou pipi nona Retrieved December 22, 2024, from

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Parau no Iesu Christ te Temaidi no te Atua : e no te mou pipi nona Sydney: Printed by G. Howe, 1814. Web. 22 December 2024 <>

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1814, Parau no Iesu Christ te Temaidi no te Atua : e no te mou pipi nona Printed by G. Howe, Sydney viewed 22 December 2024

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  | title=Parau no Iesu Christ te Temaidi no te Atua : e no te mou pipi nona
  | year=1814
  | section=75 pages ; 18 cm.
  | location=Sydney
  | publisher=Printed by G. Howe
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-2091569366
  | access-date=22 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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