Bibbenluke letterbook, 1884 January 25-1886 December 6 [manuscript]

Bibbenluke Station (N.S.W.)
Call Number
MS 1999/2 (Box 2)
0.03 m. (1 v.)
Scope and Content
Letterbook kept by Henry Tollemache Edwards mainly concerning matters relating to Bibbenluke Station. It comprises copies of outwards correspondence, not in strictly chronological order, dated 25 January, 1884-6 December, 1886, Bibbenluke. The letters are mostly written by H.T. Edwards with some signed by Arthur Alma Wren. They refer to such pastoral and related interests as the purchase and sale of bullocks and sheep, the wool clip and sales, effects of drought, leasing and land purchase, wire requirements in relation to boundary fencing, station expenses, and visits to Bibbenluke by those coming to buy stock and inspect land. Prominent among the correspondents is Sydney firm McDonald, Smith & Co. (1 v.).
Bibbenluke was a cattle and sheep station located in the southern Monaro district of New South Wales. Established originally by Joshua John Moore (1790-1864) as a sheep grazing property, it became the head station of entrepreneur Benjamin Boyd (1801-1851) who owned several properties on the Monaro in the 1840s. In 1855 William Bradley (1800-1868) bought Bibbenluke from the estate of Benjamin Boyd. Whereas the station had not been well-stocked under Boyd, by 1864, under the direction of Bradley, it ran a large flock of over 36,000 sheep. Bradley was assisted in pastoral matters by Henry Tollemache Edwards whom he engaged as his superintendent and later as property manager. In 1866 Bradley disposed of other Monaro properties he owned but retained Bibbenluke which he made freehold. Edwards retired as manager in 1898 and became station owner of Burnima, at nearby Bombala. Bibbenluke Station was sold in 1925.
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APA citation

Bibbenluke Station (N.S.W.) & Edwards, Henry Tollemache. (1884). Bibbenluke letterbook, Retrieved April 19, 2024, from

MLA citation

Bibbenluke Station (N.S.W.) and Edwards, Henry Tollemache. Bibbenluke letterbook, : , 1884. Web. 19 April 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

Bibbenluke Station (N.S.W.) & Edwards, Henry Tollemache. 1884, Bibbenluke letterbook, , viewed 19 April 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | author1=Bibbenluke Station (N.S.W.).
  | author2=Edwards, Henry Tollemache.
  | title=Bibbenluke letterbook,
  | year=1884
  | section=0.03 m. (1 v.)
  | publisher=
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-229740296
  | access-date=19 April 2024
  | via=Trove

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