Guide to the Papers of John Joseph Davoren


MS 4657

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Collection Summary

John Joseph Davoren
Papers of John Joseph Davoren
Date Range
1922 - 1971
Collection Number
MS 4657
4.79 metres (8 archive boxes + 5 ms boxes + 1 ms carton + 1 large folio box + 1 medium phase box + 1 map folio)
Language of Materials
Special Collections (Manuscripts)


Scope and Contents

The papers reflect Davoren's legal work and include briefs, addresses to juries, and copies of journal and seminar articles. There is also correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, cash ledger and address books and some printed items.

Conditions Governing Access

Please refer to the collection's catalogue record ( for the access conditions.

Conditions Governing Use

Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.

Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of John Joseph Davoren, National Library of Australia, MS 4657, [box number and series and/or folder number]'.

Item Descriptions

Series 1. Personal Items

Letters of condolence from members of the legal profession (November-December 1971), newspaper clippings (File 1) - Box 1

"Who's Who" entry, correspondence, family history (jottings), speech, newspaper clippings (File 2) - Box 1

Magazine clipping, 1 p. handwritten draft, receipts, leaflets, items relating to overseas trip 1962 (File 3) - Box 1

Passports, vaccination certificates, notebooks, address book, cruise tickets and itinerary (1962), receipts, correspondence (File 4) - Box 1

Wallet containing correspondence, airline tickets, newspaper clippings, prescriptions, business cards, photograph (File 5) - Box 1

Personal correspondence, 1931-1936 (File 6) - Box 1

Personal correspondence (1962-1968), fraternity (?) booklet (File 7) - Box 1

Correspondence, typescript (poem), jottings, address book, passport and vaccination certificates, notebooks (2) (File 8) - Box 1

Manilla folder containing various items :- appeal, newspaper clippings, personal correspondence, Neptune certificate. (folder marked "Mrs Davoren") (File 9) - Box 1

Plastic wallet containing airline tickets, itineraries, receipts. Typed transcript of interview, poem, typescript "Episode de la bataille de Fontenoy", correspondence, memos, publication correspondence re Glenwood Home Units Pty. Limited (File 10) - Box 2

Typescript: "The O'Davorens of Cahermacnaughten, Burren, Co. Clare" (3 copies) (File 11) - Box 2

Scrapbook (which contains birth certificate from Ireland headed in English/Gaelic) (File) - Box 2

Series 2. Diaries

Diaries, 1955-1971 (File) - Box 2

Series 3. Law Case Files

(Daniel) Norris Nicholls (File 12) - Box 2

(Daniel) Norris Nicholls (File 13) - Box 3

(Daniel) Norris Nicholls (File 14) - Box 3

George Thomas Kenyon (File 15) - Box 3

Harold Robert Hudson and John Ernest Hudson (File 16) - Box 3

A.N. Walker (File 17) - Box 3

G.T. Kenyon (File 17) - Box 3

Smith (File 18) - Box 3

P.J. Concannon (File 18) - Box 3

C.N. Day (File 18) - Box 3

Miller (File 19) - Box 3

P.J. Concannon (File 20) - Box 3

Leaver (File 21) - Box 3

Parker (File 21) - Box 3

Williams (File 21) - Box 3

Smith (File 21) - Box 3

Pope (File 21) - Box 3

Parker (File 22) - Box 4

Bowen-Thomas McHugh (File 23) - Box 4

Burton Holmes (File 23) - Box 4

Kelly Ors (File 23) - Box 4

Hanrahan, Muldoon, Shearing (File 23) - Box 4

Williams (File 23) - Box 4

Washer (File 23) - Box 4

Daly (File 23) - Box 4

Bryant (File 24) - Box 4

Smith (File 25) - Box 4

Williams (File 26) - Box 4

Chaplin (File 27) - Box 4

Wrublewski (File 28) - Box 4

Williams (File 28) - Box 4

Donnelley (File 29) - Box 4

Wrublewski (File 30) - Box 4

Williams (File 30) - Box 4

A.B. Bootes (File 30) - Box 4

Larssen (File 31) - Box 4

Rourke (File 32) - Box 5

Weal (File 32) - Box 5

McEvilly (File 33) - Box 5

Weal (File 34) - Box 5

Buttle (File 35) - Box 5

Rourke (File 36) - Box 5

Haydon (File 37) - Box 5

Morgan (File 38) - Box 5

Morgan (File 39) - Box 5

Berry (File 40) - Box 5

Berry (File 41) - Box 6

Berry (File 42) - Box 6

Wrublewski (File) - Box 6

Pedretti (File 43) - Box 6

Hawdon (File 43) - Box 6

Briggs (File 44) - Box 6

Briggs (File 45) - Box 7

Tooth Co. Ltd (File 46) - Box 7

Williams (File 47) - Box 7

Williams (File 48) - Box 7

Williams (File 49) - Box 7

Williams (File 50) - Box 7

Williams (File 51) - Box 7

Broken Hill Musicians Club (File 52) - Box 7

Renfrey (File 53) - Box 8, Piece 3/53

Renfrey (File 54) - Box 8, Piece 3/54

Series 4. Legal Career

Papers/addresses presented at various meetings, correspondence, notice of meeting (File 55) - Box 8

Letter (Institute of Criminology, 27/9/1965), papers for presentation, Letters 4/12/68, 28/11/62 (File 56) - Box 8

"A Bill for an Act", 1968 (File 57) - Box 8

Report of Chief Justice of N.S.W. 1964-1965, Minutes of meeting (3/8/1967), Treasurer's report (31/8/1968), Secretary's report (30/8/1968) - Austin. Academy of Forensic Sciences. Paper-University of Sydney Law School, 1968 (File 58) - Box 8

Minutes of meeting - N.S.W. Bar Association 29/7/1965, Working papers 5/8/1965 - Institute of Criminology seminar, Case notes (File 59) - Box 8

Institute of Criminology - case notes, working papers (File 60) - Box 8

Appeals, 2 copies "Recorder" (Newspaper) (File 61) - Box 9

Handwritten notes, correspondence, transfer of lease, receipt from AJC (File 62) - Box 9

Business correspondence (1959-1970) (mainly concerning Law book subscriptions) (File 63) - Box 9

Correspondence (1960-1970), paper, article (File 64) - Box 9

Papers, speech, correspondence, invitation, "Addmonitional notes...", seminar papers - 27/3/1968, 22/4/1968, Institute of Criminology (File 65) - Box 9

Papers - Institute of Criminology (File 66) - Box 9

Papers - Law Reform Committee, N.S.W. Bar Association, speech, memo, conference registration, articles (File 67) - Box 9

Handwritten notes, report re Jenkins Q.C., memo, correspondence 1962-1968, memo, N.S.W. Bar Association - business papers, case notes, "Addmonitional notes.." (2 copies), "Committee III" (S.A. and Vic.), article (File 68) - Box 9

Case papers, articles, correspondence (1966), speech draft, circular, paper on Red Mass, correspondence (1969-1970) (File 69) - Box 10

General business papers and correspondence relating to J.J. Davoren's law firm at the time he joined the R.A.A.F. - 1943 (File 70) - Box 10

Notebooks containing details of legal publications, memos, letter 3/3/1956, newspaper clipping, label, leaflet, lease (File 71) - Box 10

Clients ledgers (3) (File) - Box 10

Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences badge (File) - Box 10

Office Cash Book, January 1938-June 1941 (Item) - Folio 1

Series 5. International Commission of Jurists

"Retention of Juries" (handwritten notes), photocopy of publication, minutes of meeting 14/9/1970 (File 72) - Box 11

Series 6. Courts Martial Appeal Tribunal

Letter 7/12/1962, typescript - "The Devil's Article", "Notes on fraudulent misapplication", certificates (File 73) - Box 11, Piece 7/73

Case diary of a Court Martial - Garcia (i) (File 74) - Box 11, Piece 6/74

Case diary of a Court Martial - Garcia (ii) (File 75) - Box 11, Piece 6/75

Cardboard cylinder in plastic bag - Certificates of membership (Item) - Folio 1

Series 7. R.A.A.F

Air Force Enquiry - case history + newspaper clippings, exercise book (? diary notes) (File 76) - Box 11

Service medals, papers (File 77) - Box 11

Photograph (6 copies) - "Court Martial", 24/2/1954 (File) - Box 11

Air Force cap and epaulets in plastic bag which contains a smaller plastic bag holding returned service badges (Item) - Folio 1

Cardboard cylinder in plastic bag, containing certificate (Item) - Folio 1

Series 8. Press Clippings

Press clippings (File 78) - Box 11, Piece 8/78

Series 9. Printed Items

Law Council of Australia - Twelfth Legal Convention (5/7/1961-11/7/1961) (File) - Box 12

New South Wales Law Almanac - 5 copies - 1954, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1964 (File) - Box 12

Perpetual Succour Novena Booklet (File) - Box 12

A handbook of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin (File) - Box 12

The O'Davorens of Cahermacnaughten, Burren, Co. Clare - bound photostat (File) - Box 12

Series 10. Photographs

Sir Henry Alderman (2 photographs in folder), Sir Henry Alderman + Mr Albert Hennan, QC (Item a)) - Box 12

John Joseph Davoren, Q.C (Item b)) - Box 12

? (Item c)) - Box 12

Davoren family (Item d)) - Box 12

Maimie Davoren, 1935 (Item e)) - Box 12

Portrait in frame, December 1922 (Item f)) - Box 12

Framed portrait of Mr Justice Travers (Item g)) - Box 12

Michael Davoren (younger brother of John) in centre of photo. Glass in frame broken (Item h)) - Box 13

Thomas Davoren (framed) (Item i)) - Box 13

Mr. Justice Travers (Graduation, 27/9/1921 framed) (Item j)) - Box 13

Framed portrait of John Davoren as a baby with his mother (Item k)) - Box 13

Framed portrait of Mr Justice Ashburner (Item l)) - Box 13

Framed portrait of His honour Judge Coyle (Item m)) - Box 13

Framed photograph of those admitted to the Bar in Adelaide, 16/12/1922 (Item n)) - Box 13

Framed portrait of Mr Justice Travers, 3/12/1962 (Item o)) - Box 13

Series. Miscellaneous Items

Bachelor of Laws (Item) - Folio 17 (MS 7657)
