Skirving, William & Ramsey & Scotland. High Court of Justiciary. (1794). The trial of William Skirving, secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th and 7th of January, 1794, for sedition : containing a full and circumstantial account of all the proceedings and speeches, as taken down in short-hand by Mr. Ramsey, short-hand writer, from London Retrieved December 8, 2024, from
Skirving, William, Ramsey and Scotland. High Court of Justiciary. The trial of William Skirving, secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th and 7th of January, 1794, for sedition : containing a full and circumstantial account of all the proceedings and speeches, as taken down in short-hand by Mr. Ramsey, short-hand writer, from London Edinburgh: Printed and sold for William Skirving, by James Robertson, ..., Edinburgh, James Ridgway, ... ; H.D. Symonds, ... ; W. Ramsey, ... ; and J. Marson, ..., London, 1794. Web. 8 December 2024 <>
Skirving, William & Ramsey & Scotland. High Court of Justiciary. 1794, The trial of William Skirving, secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th and 7th of January, 1794, for sedition : containing a full and circumstantial account of all the proceedings and speeches, as taken down in short-hand by Mr. Ramsey, short-hand writer, from London Printed and sold for William Skirving, by James Robertson, ..., Edinburgh, James Ridgway, ... ; H.D. Symonds, ... ; W. Ramsey, ... ; and J. Marson, ..., London, Edinburgh viewed 8 December 2024
| author1=Skirving, William.
| author2=Ramsey.
| author3=Scotland. High Court of Justiciary.
| title=The trial of William Skirving, secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th and 7th of January, 1794, for sedition : containing a full and circumstantial account of all the proceedings and speeches, as taken down in short-hand by Mr. Ramsey, short-hand writer, from London
| year=1794
| section=[3], 4-168 pages, [1] leaf of plates : portrait ; 22 cm.
| series=Rex Nan Kivell Collection ;
| location=Edinburgh
| publisher=Printed and sold for William Skirving, by James Robertson, ..., Edinburgh, James Ridgway, ... ; H.D. Symonds, ... ; W. Ramsey, ... ; and J. Marson, ..., London
| url=
| id=nla.obj-243985754
| access-date=8 December 2024
| via=Trove
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