MS 114
National Library of Australia
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Series A. Journey from Port Phillip to Sydney
Original diary: Book 1: Port Phillip to Sydney, 3 April 1839 - 19 April 1839 (File 1) - Box 1 (MS 114)
pp. 1-68.
Original diary: Book 2: Port Phillip to Sydney 20 April-6 May, sheet page 7-8 May 1839, 20 April 1839 - 8 May 1839 (File 2) - Box 1 (MS 114)
pp. 69-203.
Original diary: Book 3: Port Phillip to Sydney, 10 May 1839 - 21 May 1839 (File 3) - Box 1 (MS 114)
pp. 204-257. Contains unnumbered pages not written on.
Original diary: Book 4: Port Phillip to Sydney, 23 May 1839 - 10 June 1839 (File 4) - Box 1 (MS 114)
pp. 258-343, 374-375, 396-399 and other loose pages, some blank.
Original diary: Port Phillip to Sydney 12 June-19 August 1839, 12 June 1839 - 19 August 1839 (File 5) - Box 1 (MS 114)
Series B. Visit to South Australia
Loose pages, majority relating to visit to South Australia, 1840 (File 6) - Box 1 (MS 114)
Lady Franklin's diary of visit to South Australia (File 7) - Box 1 (MS 114)
Series C. Correspondence
Correspondence: originals, extracts and copies (File 8) - Box 2 (MS 114)
Primarily between Lord and Lady Fraklin. Some originals, some later hand-written extracts.
Letter from Sir John Franklin in bound volume (File 9) - Box 2 (MS 114)
1 letter from John Franklin to sister. Bound into leather volume with blank pages likely in 1919 by the Commonwealth Parliament Library.
Correspondence with Richard Bentley, March 1863 - December 1864 (File 10) - Box 2 (MS 114)
3 letters.
Correspondence: Sir John Franklin, February 1837 (File 11) - Box 2 (MS 114)
Sir John Franklin correspondence with Lord Stanley on the dismissal of Montagu, September 1842 - January 1843 (File 12) - Box 2 (MS 114)
Series D. Transcripts
Transcript of 1839 diary (by Pauline Fanning) pt 1 (File 13) - Box 3 (MS 114)
Transcript of 1839 diary (by Pauline Fanning) pt 2 (File 14) - Box 3 (MS 114)
Transcript of 1839 diary (by Pauline Fanning) pt 3 (File 15) - Box 3 (MS 114)
Transcription of journal of journey from Port Phillip to Sydney (File 16) - Box 3 (MS 114)
Covers period 3rd April to 4th June.
Transcription of journal of a visit to South Australia 1840, 1952 (File 17) - Box 3 (MS 114)
Transcribed by Colin Thiele, 1952.