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Australia House,
Fix this textLondon, W.C. 2.
Fix this text6th August y 1Θ38 .
Fix this textMy dear Belle,
Fix this textYou will no doubt have seen my earlier family letters
Fix this textwhich have, I am afraid, been not too frequent, but my time
Fix this texthas been really remarkably fully occupied.
Fix this textAt the week-end of July 16th Pat and I went to stay
Fix this textat Cliveden with Lord and Lady Astor. It was a very amusing
Fix this textparty. Lady Astor is good-hearted and a dynamic person with
Fix this texta complete disregard for other people’s corns. All the
Fix this textmembers of the famous Cliveden intellectual set were present;
Fix this textLord Lothian and Lionel Curtis, who are always writing and
Fix this texttalking on the problems of Government in the world; Sir Thomas
Fix this textInskip, the Minister for Defence Co-ordination; and Geoffrey Dawson
Fix this textthe editor of The Times.
Fix this textOn Sunday afternoon we went across to Eton and had
Fix this texta look at the picturesque old red-brick buildings and the really
Fix this textlovely playing fields lying along the bank of the Thames. »‘e
Fix this textattended the school Chapel and were much impressed with the
Fix this textcheerful appearance and vigorous singing of the hundreds of boys
Fix this textpresent. Eton is in some ways much more like a University,
Fix this textthe boys enjoy considerably more freedom than the average
Fix this textschoolboy would in Australia, Each has his own room and appears,
Fix this textof course, magnificently attired in morning clothes and a tophat.
Fix this textApropos of this, school costumes have their own special
Fix this textrules. Only the boys in the Sixth Form are allowed to wear
Fix this textbutterfly collars and bow ties, all the others wearing double
Fix this textcollars and white ties. A boy who is a member of the school
Fix this textSociety known as Pop wears a dab of sealingwax on his tophat.
Fix this textWhen a boy reaches a certain stage in the school he is allowed to
Fix this textwear trousers that are turned down at the bottom; until then he
Fix this textmust always wear cuffs on his trousers. A Sixth Form boy is
Fix this textpermitted to wear trvusers of any shade that he likes, the
Fix this textresult being that they appear in the most magnificent checks.
Fix this textOur guide, young Dawson, was a really comical spectacle because,
Fix this textwith his tophat and well-cut morning clothes, he wore a pair
Fix this textof shoes the soles of which were about half an inch thick and
Fix this textcovered with football studs. However, this has been going on
Fix this textfor many generations and nobody sees anything funny in it.
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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