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2nd June, l°6l - SYDNEY
Fix this textOtieniníT
Fix this text1961 3 MENCE 3HSEP SHfff
Fix this textTOM L' A. arBWta Pf. A,#! »U ,,-AUg
Fix this text,3>26Ł
Fix this text¿sms¡k .isr.
Fix this textMr. Falkiner, ladles and gentlemeni
Fix this textIn caso I forget it y I declar® tu® Show Opon. (Laughter)
Fix this text(Applause) ¿tod I either from your applauso that that's roniły all
Fix this textÎ nood to do about it. (Laughter)
Fix this textdut I had a very plaintive letter Træ Georg© Falkiner
Fix this textInviting me to cone down hore· He reminded ae that it was 10
Fix this textyears sino© I cam® horo last to do this job· I wasn't likely to
Fix this textforgot iti Jo cause with all the optimisia timt chara eteri so s a
Fix this who had only boon Frise Minister, at tliat time, for tw© years -
Fix this textall that optimism has long sine® desortod mo - i cam® down just
Fix this textwith a hat, flow down from Canberra and was to fly bask at the and
Fix this textof th® afternoon· There I was, just a hat and, of course, a
Fix this textc tain number of garnets on mo. 1 was very well resolved, people
Fix this textwore immensely courteous - they were not so angry with sie in 1951
Fix this textas they have boon occasionally since - and we got on very well· I
Fix this textleft liere and caught the plane at about a quarter past five, and
Fix this textwe got overhead at Canberra. There ms a thunderstorm and the
Fix this textlightning flashed and th© clouds wore sweeping around and every
Fix this textnow and then I could see th© lights, as ï imagined them, of my own
Fix this texthouse and a dear mental picture of my poor wife saying ” .Nere is
Fix this textmy wandering boy tonight?” Finally the pilot came down ná said
Fix this text”I'm sorry, we h ve to go back to Jydney”. If any of you have ever
Fix this texttried to sleep in a Sydney hotel, having nothing to wear except the
Fix this textkind of thing I'm now wearing, you will understand exactly how
Fix this textwell 1 remember that occasion.
Fix this textThore* a one other thing 1 would like to say. I i ©member
Fix this textit from th© time before and it is quit© fascinating. There is a
Fix this textvery studied form of insult delivered to a politician fay you
Fix this text”sheep fellers”. Just as th® politician begins to think ”how that
Fix this textwasn't a* bad sentence”, an interj actor says "tasaa, haaa, bauaa”.
Fix this textYou can hear it ail round the place. Whereas this regrettable
Fix this textlooking old ram opposite me, ever since X arrived and sat t own has
Fix this textbeen wrinkling his nostrils at me. (Laughter) A very subtle form
Fix this textof Insult that, and one which I must set about introducing into the
Fix this texttfouse of Kepruson ta lives (Laughter) You couldn't call a sen to
Fix this textorder, could you, for wrinkling his nose. You can't rise to a
Fix this textpoint of order and say ”The honourable member for” - let's take a
Fix this textname at random - ”East Jydney” (Laughter, applause) "is winkling
Fix this texthis nose at me”.
Fix this textAnyhow, Jir, whatever ay sins, or long since forgotten
Fix this textmerits may be, you don't need to apologise to me for asking me to
Fix this textmmm to this Jhow, because as you have rightly said this is the
Fix this textgroat industry in Australia. There can be no question about that
Fix this textat all. (Applause) X'vo had it very muoh in my mind of recant
Fix this texttimes because, us Imay tell you rather confidentially, we've taken
Fix this texta few rather unpopular steps in the last six months - 1 wouldn't
Fix this textwant to have it mentioned outside - but I don't mind admitting that
Fix this texttîiat is so. (Laughter)
Fix this texttot I just want to take the opportunity of saying to you
Fix this textthat ©very step that is taken to suppress inflation in Australia is
Fix this textbound to bo unpopular with somebody ţ but it can't be unpopular
Fix this textwith you. Mecause if there is one great industry in Australia it
Fix this textis the wool industry, and if there is one Industry that can't
Fix this textafford domestic inflation it's yours. You meet the world, you meet
Fix this textthe world's demand, you are paid /hat the world will pay youţ but
Fix this textyou can't pass your added costs on to tho man next door. leople
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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