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Fix this textThis week I am full of Information on a subject which is
Fix this textnearly as old as London, but as little understood, apparently, as
Fix this textthe incidence of the income tax in Madagascar* I have found out
Fix this textwho elects the Lord Mayor of London,’ You are surprised. So, I must
Fix this textconfess, ara I; not so much at my own ignorance as at that which
Fix this textseems to prevail in London itself. On my last visit to England I
Fix this textasked a member of the London Comity Council about it. He knew
Fix this textthat he himself took part in the election of the chairman of the
Fix this text/
Fix this textL.C.C., but of the Lord Mayor’s election he knew nothing. I have
Fix this textasked nume reus citizens of good standing the same question. Hone
Fix this textof them knew the answer. Even seme of the people who have the right
Fix this textto vote apparently have no knowledge of it. But last week I went to
Fix this texta livery dinner of the Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers and
Fix this textthe mystery was solved. I sat next to the Chairman, whose official
Fix this texttitle is ’The Master’, and he told me all I wanted to know. It is
Fix this textthe livery members of the City Companies who elect the Lwrd Mayor
Fix this textof London! The city of London covers an area of only one square
Fix this textmile and within that area all the City Companies have their official
Fix this texthomes. Some of their halls are exceedingly beautiful. The one in
Fix this textwhich I dined was designed by Sir Christopher Wren, being remarkable
Fix this textfor the dignity of its architectural proportions and the restrained
Fix this textrichness of its carved wood panelling.
Fix this textI had accepted toe invitation to be present with eagerness,
Fix this textfor the City Companies in general have ladies at their banquets only
Fix this texton on© night in the year and the occasion is always a memorable one.
Fix this textThese City Companies are very well known to Krast English people, at
Fix this textleast in name, their origin being vaguely understood tochave some
Fix this textconnection with the ancient trede guilds. (Actually, they began
Fix this textas social guilds away back in pre-Homan days, and gradually
Fix this textdeveloped into the trede guilds of the middle ages). Their
Fix this texthospitality is famous, both for its generosity and for the traditional!
Fix this textforms and ceremonies ¥ which it is accompanied. Many people
Fix this textregard tois as the sole reason for their existence, a suggestion not
Fix this textkeeping with the fact, already stated, liiat they actually
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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