Fix this text
Fix this textHot es for Speech by the Rt. Hon. R.G, ’Teñóles, Leader of the
Fix this textOpposition.
Fix this text1. This Agreement is not a Treaty in the strict sense, for it was
Fix this textnot made by His Raj esty. It is also not binding upon Parliament
Fix this textor upon future Governments for it is a purely political document
Fix this textnot submitter to Parliament for ratification, but made between two
Fix this textGovernments as representing their current views,
Fix this text2 a The Agreement has been adversely affected in the minds of ma -
Fix this textrational people by the absurdly theatrical circumstances of its
Fix this textpresentation to the public« It is also not assisted by the Minis'.,··:;· 'o
Fix this textmodest 3ε nguage - in # which he associates it with ”other Internat Ioni· .
Fix this textConferences held during the present war, notably at Casablanca,
Fix this textMoscow, Cairo and Tehran, ff
Fix this textS « # Justice, however, requires that the Agreement should be examined
Fix this textobjectively and frankly. In doing this I make no secret of my own
Fix this textbelief that while Trade arrangements between Dominions must for
Fix this textcertainty and public informetion be in writing, the reduction to
Fix this textformal terms of # political arrangements - including declarations of
Fix this textgoodwill and friendly associo tibe - is dangerous. Je have a long
Fix this texthistory of friendship and of substantial community of interest with
Fix this textHew Zealand which should be strengthened by everything in our power.
Fix this textBut it is a mistake to think that formal documents create or assist
Fix this textstrength in such matters,
Fix this text4, Tutting these preliminary reservations on one side, the
Fix this textAgreement seems to me to have certain meritorious elements:«
Fix this text• · (*) undoubtedly represents a strong common opinion in
Fix this textboth Dominions that all their major interests are mutual: and that
Fix this textalthough they are.not organically associated in one political
Fix this textstructure, they will do well on matters which touch their relation
Fix this textto other world countries to have if possible a common view,
Fix this text. (b) It contains' a useful provision in Clause 11 for the
Fix this textsetting up in^noth Dominions of Armistice and Post-Hostilities
Fix this textPlannin : Committees. It is. true that each country would no doubt
Fix this texthave done this for itself, but co-ordination of the activities of
Fix this textboth Committees should be useful.
Fix this text(c) It senes to direct the attention of greater
Fix this textHâtions to the problems of security and post-war development arc
Fix this textnative welfare In the South West Pacific,
Fix this text(d) It properly emphasises the essential element o;
Fix this texttrusteeship in dealing with native peoples,
Fix this text(a) It establishes formal means for collaboration
Fix this textbetween Australia and Hew Zealand through an Australian/ Hew Zealand
Fix this textSecretariat,
Fix this textIt is true that no elaborate document was needed for any
Fix this textof these things, but if the minds of other peonie run to
Fix this textdocuments, no greet exception can be taken by me,
Fix this text5, On the other hand, the Agreement exhibits certain defects
Fix this textwhich, on balance, far outweigh its merits: As I see them, they
Fix this textarei-
Fix this textCa) Its wearisome reiteration of thé obvious, and its
Fix this textrepeated attempts to reduce friendship to writing. Thus, Clauses. 1.
Fix this text2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7. 8, 9 and 12 all say, in different words, nothing
Fix this textmore than this, that the two Governments will consult with each
Fix this textother as fully as possible in relation to all matters of common
Fix this text' concern.
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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