Fix this text
Fix this text23 May 1916
Fix this textMy own dearest wife
Fix this textThere is said to be a mail going today so I am writing in some haste to
Fix this textcatch it. Also I am somewhat on pins and needles as I have let 100
Fix this texthorse go in a wire compound and they are racing about and standing
Fix this texton their heads and snorting and galloping and I am in great anxiety lest
Fix this textthey rush the wire and stampede the camp. I have proved to my own
Fix this textsatisfaction for many years in the past that the horse is the most
Fix this texthysterical lunatic animal that exists and one never knows what they will
Fix this textdo. I took a couple of New Zealand ladies out for a ride yesterday. I
Fix this texthad met them at their hospital and they said they were fond of riding so
Fix this textI asked them to come out on Sunday. I afterwards remembered that I
Fix this texthad told the men I would take any of them out that wanted a ride and I
Fix this textsupposed a dozen or so would come out. To my horror I found men
Fix this textdragging horses out of all sorts of holes and corners and when we
Fix this textstarted I had 100 men at least. So I thought I would do it in style then
Fix this textand I took the whole 100 round in front of the hospital, formed them up
Fix this textin sections and when the girls came out they nearly fainted with
Fix this textsurprise. However they both rode very well indeed and they led the
Fix this textsquadron. I put a sergeant to ride with each of them as a treat (for the
Fix this textsergeants) and the affair went off with great éclat. One of the
Fix this textsergeants was Dempsey the crack rough rider who turned out quite a
Fix this textladies’ man. My squadron is doing well, we take on any of the others
Fix this textat loading mules and the Queenslanders reckoned they were good but
Fix this textwe each had to load 10 trucks yesterday and my sergeant, the
Fix this textcelebrated Buster Brown the fighting man, insisted on giving them 2
Fix this texttrucks start and then beat them. Also we rode 70 mules while A
Fix this textsquadron rode 140. We had 2 falls, they had 27 so the old C squadron
Fix this textis keeping its end up. I told you we have the squadron cup which I
Fix this texthope to bring home with me. At the same time mine are an unruly lot
Fix this textof devils and if any one gets arrested or accidentally shot or fights the
Fix this textpolice it is sure to be a C squadron man. I have been very lucky in
Fix this textpicking good sergeants and I hope the luck will hold. We play bridge in
Fix this textthe heat of the day in a big building just up from a gambling house but
Fix this textnever used as it is likely to fall down. One thing is if it does fall on us
Fix this textwe will never know it. Must close now with great love to you and the
Fix this textlittle ones, x x x x x x x
Fix this text1
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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