Fix this text
Fix this textMy own dearest wife
Fix this textThey say there is a mail going out today so I am hurrying up to catch it. We never
Fix this textknow for certain but every now and again there are rumours like this and we hustle
Fix this textalong and get things ready. I don’t think we will be here for much longer as they are
Fix this texttaking the troughing away to the new camp. I have had a lot of trouble lately all sorts
Fix this textof things going wrong and I will welcome a change to a camp away from drink for the
Fix this textman. My experience with this squadron makes one feel inclined to join the absolute
Fix this textrabid teetotallers and shut up all the grog factories. Every man with any sort of
Fix this textimagination wishes to see humanity uplifted but how can you start to uplift men who
Fix this textget drunk at every opportunity. I have as good a lot of men on the average as any
Fix this textcommand in the army, but every day there is a period of sullen drunkenness among
Fix this texta few of them and I get to hate the pay day for that reason.
Fix this textWell all this is not very interesting to you. I believe General Mac Anderson is to go
Fix this textthrough the local army organisation soon and we may be shifted home if they cannot
Fix this textget more horses for us to work at. Well I don’t mind much for one. I would like to
Fix this textsee the thing through but not to wait about with not enough to do. I have seen very
Fix this textlittle of Arnott lately. I hear his wife goes back soon. I may get her to take a
Fix this textmessage to you. It is hot as the deuce in the middle of the day here now and cool at
Fix this textnight. We are handling more mules than horses and a funny lot they are.
Fix this textI saw a monoplane up yesterday and I really think I never saw anything hurry before.
Fix this textIt was just like one of those water dragon flies we used to see at Coodra buzzing
Fix this textabout like as if it was angry. Some speed I tell you. My fly was in s stern wheel
Fix this textbiplane and we seemed to go quicker and I believe the monoplane goes twice as
Fix this textfast. Well dearest I must close now as the orderly is waiting. May be home by the
Fix this texttime this reaches you. We do not know at all what our movements will be.
Fix this textWell with much love
Fix this textxxxxxxx
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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