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THiffiSDAY, MPJMEiL_2Siłii-ŁSś2
Fix this text• TiB sci; :îc". Yam aììt .av. mrrics «
Fix this text• «fe -, e
Fix this textJudging by th· press and television and radio,
Fix this textwe, you Americans and wo Australians, are øreat politicians«
Fix this textfo are redoubtable partisans« f© take cides | somatises
Fix this textby positive convictions, somcttøts by pretty blind prejudice,
Fix this textsometimes just for iba fm of it« for most of ue, polities
Fix this textis a spars· time occupation or passion, and rør vehemence
Fix this textis frequently in inverse ratio to our objective Imowledge*
Fix this textAustralians and Americans are much the %mm in
Fix this textthose respects* But wo Imre one- very great procedural
Fix this textdifference which my be ssuch more significant than we sometieses
Fix this textthink« la Australia voting is cotapulsory· True, the
Fix this textfins for not voting is fairly small, but it baa its offoot*
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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