Fix this text
Fix this textHECHT, Jacob
Fix this textBasle, April 21, 1958.
Fix this textBenkenstr. 50 6/KA,
Fix this textThe chiefs of governments of the free countries (one could say:
Fix this textand most of their colleagues ) are deluding their peoples and are
Fix this textgravediggers of democraey , In my opinion this is the tenor of the,
Fix this textfor the first time, utterly sincere and open analysis on the present
Fix this textpolitical situation of the world , as published hy the wéllknown
Fix this textprivate hankers Messrs Julius Bär & Co, of Zurich in their weekly
Fix this textbulletin Hr, 14 of April 11, 1958,:
Fix this textPor years this bank had used a more open laguage in its bulletins,
Fix this textwhich are considered excellent, than any newspaper of·name, not to
Fix this textspeak of the confusion created especially by the American
Fix this text. and the present British Governments , especially by the big
Fix this textpapers and the publishers in a'l 1 free countries through in-
Fix this textcapacity, weakness, through cowardice , and also by the
Fix this textphilosophers and the scientists in the whole West. I consider today's
Fix this textwelcome frankness comes out of the deep feeling of responsibility
Fix this textof the Bär-Bank and of the despair about the indifference of peoples
Fix this textbelieving themselves to be democrats. Washington is mostly playing
Fix this textthis comedy, whereas Adenauer is fighting like a goliath against the
Fix this textfrency about the world's ruin, emanating from the Socialists, the
Fix this textTrade-Unions and the P.D.P. (Dr. Reinhold Maier), Should this cam-
Fix this textpaign of Labourites in England, and the Socialists/Trade-Unions and
Fix this textE.D.P, in Germany, succeed, democracy would soon be at an end in all
Fix this textfree peoples, but soon also in US and in Central- and South America,
Fix this textand Krustchew might then from Moscow designate the leading person-
Fix this textalities and the policy. Considering that Krustchwe dictates the whole
Fix this textfree world, and especially the US for some time, and as the West is
Fix this textacting no longer, not to speak of taking the initiative, it must be
Fix this textassumed that the West is no longer able to take action in any form.
Fix this textThe cause is Moscow's propaganda, admitted for decades by all
Fix this textresponsible "politicians", provoking the softening, as well as the
Fix this textWest's high standard of living, i.e, the steady increase of income.
Fix this textThe chief editor of foreign affairs of a big Swiss newspaper,
Fix this textquestioned about my circular-letter of April A, replied: "I am not
Fix this textconcerned about your examining more and more critically and terrified
Fix this textthe world situation. Por years Í agree with your thoughts and your
Fix this textwarnings, - Only, I must not write so clearly, otherwise I am
Fix this textprovoking a catastrophe] " - He probably meant the loss of a large
Fix this textnumber of subscribers, ( Most readers desire to live quietly and do
Fix this textnot wish to hear disturbing truths ). The better he is situated and
Fix this textthe more secure he is in regard to his income the more convinced the
Fix this textcitizen becomes that everything will be going smoothly, without he
Fix this textbeing called upon to lend a hand. Especially the banker is thinking
Fix this textthat way]]- Unfortunately only a small percentage of the population
Fix this textis concerned about foreign policy. The present disputes about atomic
Fix this textweapons in Germany and England are an exception, the leaders of the
Fix this textTrade Unions are misusing their party-membersJ —
Fix this textYear after year the members of the governments are in contact with
Fix this texteach other, and thus are lying consciously, what is worse, they lie to
Fix this texttheir peoples, certainly not Krustchew ] - This chronic world-comedy
Fix this textof untruths was naturally known also in Berne and was tolerated - ~
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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