Guide to the Timor-Leste elections 2007: ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia


Ephemera OS 7

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Collection Summary

Timor-Leste elections 2007
Date Range
Collection Number
Ephemera OS 7
1 collection (folders of miscellaneous pieces)
Language of Materials
Tetum Portuguese English
Printed Collections


Scope and Contents

Material produced for the 1st and 2nd round presidential elections held in East Timor on April 9 and May 9 and the Parliamentary elections held on June 30, 2007. Includes material issued by various political parties, presidential candidates and government agencies, such as posters, booklets, flyers, forms, CDs/DVDs, how to vote information, stickers, badges, and election observer I.D. Most material produced by STAE, CNE, UNDP.

Item Descriptions

Series. Ephemera, 2007

30 items

Subseries. Disks (DVDs, VCDs, CDs), 2007

16 items


Mostly produced by STAE and/or UNDP. Includes candidate and party campaign material, radio and TV announcements, songs and debateds.

Subgrp. Television and radio announcements and songs about the elections, 2007
2 items
Aktualisasaun resenseamentu eleitoral, loron 29 Janeiro to 16 Marsu 2007: anuncios radio no hananu [audio], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Aktualisasaun resenseamentu eleitoral, loron 29 Janeiro to 16 Marsu 2007: anuncios radio no hananu [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Subgrp. Political Party Resource Centre CDs, 2007
2 items
Campaign materials: design and production support to the 2007 Presidential election [CD-ROM, multiple file types: .pdf, .jpeg, .psd,.tga] [includes campaign material for all candidates], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Parliamentary election: campaign materials [CD-ROM, .tiff files] [includes campaign material for all political parties], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Subgrp. Voter education material for the presidential elections, 2007
8 items
Vota: Eleisaun prezidente 9 Abril 2007: video edukasaun votantes [video]. Includes citizen comments on nationhood, 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Vota: Eleisaun prezidente segunda ronde 9 Maiu 2007: CD edukasaun votantes [audio], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Vota: Eleisaun prezidente segunda ronde 9 Maiu 2007: Video edukasaun votantes [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Debate iha TV: Apresentasaun kandidatura presidensial (ed. 1); moderator husi Estanislau Babo, narator husi Pe. Martinho Gusmao (CNE), Maria Domingas F. Alves (CNE), Tomas Cabral (STAE) [video] [partially damaged], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Debate iha TV: atualizasaun resenceamento (ed. 2); moderator husi Estanislau Babo, narator husi Lucas de Sousa (CNE), Maria Angelina L. (CNE), Elviro Moniz. [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Debat iha TV: Kampanha eletoral be eleisaun prezidensial (ed. 3); moderator husi Rosario Martins, narator husi Manuela Leong Pereira (CNE), Vicente F. Brito (CNE), Edgar Martins (STAE) [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Debate iha TV : Prosesu votasaun (ed. 4) ; moderator husi Estanislau Babo, Lamarino Saldanha, narator Jose A. Da Costa Belo (CNE), Terezinha M.N. Cardoso (CNE) [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Debate iha TV : Prosesu kontazein (ed. 5) ; moderator husi Lamarino Saldanha, narator Tome Jeronimo, Terezinha Cardoso [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Subgrp. Voter education material for the parliamentary elections, 2007
3 items
Eleisaun parlamentar 30 Juñu 2007: Vota ba partidu ne'ebe ita hakarak: informasaun hirak ne'e mai husi partidu politiku no koligasaun sira [audio, .cda file extension], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Vota eleisaun parlementar 30 Juñu: Knananuk kona-ba eleisaun parlementar [audio, music, .mp3 file extension], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Vota eleisaun parlementar 30 Juñu: Video edukasaun votantes [video], 2007 (Item) - Box 1, Ephemera OS 7
1 item

Subseries. Printed election material, 2007

14 items
Subgrp. Large stickers, 2007
3 items
Stickers promoting the elections process with slogans: Timor ida deit, mai ita partisipa eleisaun ho dame (3 copies); CNE, hamrik iha imparsialide, independensia no transparensia nia leten, 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Stickers promoting the 1st and 2nd round presidential elections with slogans: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no future, vota ba president 9 Abril 2007 (2 copies); Eleisaun prezidente segunda ronde 9 Maiu 2007, 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Stickers promoting the parliamentary elections with slogan: Parlamentu mak ita nia lian, vota elisaun parlamentar 30 Juñu 2007 (2 copies) and the participation of women with slogan: FETO, husi ita nia lian atu rona (2 copies), 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Subgrp. General election material, 2007
2 items
Folder of pamphlets and flyers of general voter information including how to register to vote ("Hau nia tinan 16 hau tenke registu", "Atu vota iha eleisaun o presija kartaun eleitoral"), where to vote ("Ita la presiza ba vota iha fatin neebe uluk ita hela ba"), conduct at the ballot box ("Keixas"), information on the National Election Commission (CNE), questions and answers about the election registration process ("Perguntas nebe ema husu bebeik no respostas"), 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Book produced by STAE containing the election regulations; in Portuguese. Cover has STAE name and logo. Running title is TIMOR LESTE - Eleições Gerais 2007, 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Subgrp. Presidential election material, 2007
3 items
Folder of folded colour flyers on 1st round presidential election procedures (3 copies) and a photocopied booklet with title: Informasaun ba eleisaun Prezidente Republika nian, 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Folder of flyers on 2nd round voting, including flyer on how to mark ballot paper (1 copy); double-sided colour A4 flyer with portraits of the two candidates Francisco Guterres and Jose Ramos Horta and procedures, date and hours of voting (5 copies)., 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Folder of campaign material of presidential candidates: Jose Ramos Horta (1 flyer, 1 photo with Jennifer Lopes and Antonio Banderras); Francisco Guterres "Lu-Olo" ( 1 flyer); Avelino Coelho (1 sticker); Manuel Tilman (1 booklet). [More extensive material is on the Political Party Resource Centre CD-ROM listed above], 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Subgrp. Parliamentary election material, 2007
2 items
Booklet promoting women's participation with title: Promove partisipasaun feto iha elisaun sira ihaTimor-Leste Juñu 2007: program advokasia Fundasaun Alola, agustu 2007, 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Flyers on voting system and procedures (including cartoons "Marta" and "Iha eleisaun ne'e ita sei hili parlamentu nasional", 2 copies each); ballot counting ("Kontajen"); policies of political parties contesting the election ("Vota ba partidu ne'ebe ita hakarak" - 2 copies); dummy ballot papers (2 copies); questions and answers about the elections ("Husu no hatan kona-ba eleisaun"), 2007 (Item) - Box 2, Ephemera OS 7
1 item

Subseries. Miscellaneous materials, 2007

4 items
Wristbands (4) with slogans: Eleisaun parlementár 30 Juñu; Parlamentu mak ita nia lian; Pás ba Eleisaun; Vota ba ita nia futura, 2007 (Item) - Box 3, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Badges (3) with slogans: Ha'u fó tulun ba feto iha parlamentu [promoting women in parliament]; Hapara violensia agora; Vota parlamentu mak ita nia lian, 2007 (Item) - Box 3, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
International observer I.D's (2) for Damien Kingsbury, one each for the Parliamentary and Presidential elections, 2007 (Item) - Box 3, Ephemera OS 7
1 item
Official international election observer's vest with logo of a crocodile and a ballot box, 2007 (Item) - Box 3, Ephemera OS 7
1 item

Series. Poster and flipcharts, 2007

25 items

Subseries. General election posters, 2007

6 items
Aktualisaun resenseamentu eleitoral, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on dates for voter registration and on voter eligibility. Yellow-green background, image shows cartoon figures asking who can register and why they need to

Labele tauk ka hakfodak, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

42 x 30 cm


Poster on voter I.D. Yellow-green background, picture shows people pointing to new and old electoral cards with message that either can be used on election day

CNE- Comissão Nacional de Eleições: hamrik iha imparsialidade, independensia no tranparensia nia leten, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

62 x 44 cm


Poster on role of the National Election Commission (CNE). Image shows CNE logo and cartoons of CNE staff front and back of a ballot box

Poster on peaceful elections (4 copies), [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 43 cm


Image of photos of men and women holding up hands making peace signs, in front of a wall with graffiti: Paz ba eleisaun, hapara violensia. Series no. 6 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru"

Eleisaun 2007, feto sira ko'alia sai (2 copies), 2007 (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 43 cm


Poster promoting women's participation. Image shows photos of happy young and old women and women voting. Series no. 7 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru"

Atu vota, ita presiza kartaun eleitoral tuan ou kartaun eleitoral foun ... Registu agora! (4 copies), [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 43 cm


Poster on the requirement for electoral cards in order to vote and that voter registration closes 16 March. Image of photos of people holding up old and new voter I.D. cards and queuing to vote with their cards. Series no. 5 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru"

Subseries. First and second round Presidential election posters and flipchart, [2007]

12 items
Eleisaun Prezidente 9 Abril 2007: Lista fatin vota Distritu Lautem, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on voting places for Lautem District. Poster lists sub-districts and villages and their voting places.

João Carrascalão, Prezidente ho povo, ida deit. Image is portrait of Carrascalão, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Candidate poster for João Carrascalão. Image is portrait of Carrascalão.

Dr. Manuel Tilman, dignificar o passado, pensar o presente, projectar o future, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Candidate poster for Manuel Tilman. Image is portrait of Tilman.

Vota Avelino Coelho. Hodi hau: reforma judiciaria, reforma ekonomika, reforma social, reforma lingua (usa Tetun no BHS Indonesia), reforma politika, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Candidate poster for Avelino Coelho. Image is portrait of Coelho.

Vota! Fernando Lasama de Araujo. Honestu, justu, rona povu, demokratiku, LASAMA!, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Candidate poster for Fernando "Lasama" de Araujo. Image is portrait of Lasama.

Vota ba José Ramos-Horta. Comissaun ba canditatura Premio Nobel da Paz, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

42 x 30 cm


Candidate poster for José Ramos Horta. Image is portrait of Ramos Horta

Vota ba Nobel da Paz PREZIDENTE, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

42 x 30 cm


Candidate poster for José Ramos Horta. Image is photo of Ramos Horta and Bishop Belo with their Nobel Peace Prizes

Eleisaun Prezidente 9 Abril 2007: ezemplu surat tahan votu (3 copies), [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on voting process (1st round). Image shows example of ballot paper with photos of the 8 candidates and how to mark paper. Series no. 9 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru".

Eleisaun Prezidente 9 Abril 2007 (4 copies), [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on voting process. Image shows cartoons of voting place, voters with electoral cards and hours of voting. Has header in dark blue abstract pattern with a ballot box and text Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru. Series no. 8 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru".

Eleisaun Prezidente segunda ronde 9 Maiu 2007: ezemplu surat tahan votu., [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on voting procedures ( 2nd round). Image shows example of ballot paper with photos of the two remaining candidates and how to mark ballot paper and fold and place in ballot box. Series no. 11 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru".

Eleisaun Prezidente segunda ronde 9 Maiu 2007: mai ita vota tan ba ita nia Prezidente., [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on 2nd round vote. Image shows Guterres and Horta and forms of I.D. required when voting. Series no. 10 of "Vota: Ita nia votu determina ita nia nasaun no futuru".

VOTA - Ita nia votu detemina ita nia nasaun no future. Vota ba Prezidente - 9 Abril 2007, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

87 x 59 cm


Large voter education flipchart for 1st round vote.Cover has cartoon of people on a map of East Timor holding up their voter cards. 8 illustrated pages demonstrate function of the President, role of electoral commission, voting eligibility, voting procedures, counting votes and determining successful candidate. (Flipchart originally stapled, staples now removed)

Subseries. Parliamentary election posters, [2007]

7 items
Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste nian, legislatura 2007-2012., [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

42 X 59 cm


Poster showing the elected members of Parliament for 2007-2012. Image is photos of most members with their name and political party affiliation; the parliamentary President and some office bearers also identified by their position. The Parliamentary Commissions are listed at the side.

Parlamento Nacionál República Democrática Timo-Leste Komisoens : Espesializadas Permantes., [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

42 X 59 cm


Poster on the permanent Parliamentary Commissions. Text has name of each Commission, names of members and party affiliations, headed with cartoon illustrations of their area of responsibility.

Poster on peaceful elections, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 43 cm


Image of photos of men and women holding up hands making peace signs, in front of a wall with graffiti: Paz ba eleisaun, hapara violensia. Series no. 13 of Vota eleisaun parlementár 30 Juñu.

Ezemplu boletín votu, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on voting procedure. Image shows example of ballot paper with emblems of the 14 contesting political parties and how to mark and fold paper. Series no. 15 of Vota eleisaun parlementár 30 Juñu

Kontajen boletin votu sei hala'o iha sentru kontajen no tabulasaun distritu, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on tallying process. Image shows cartoon of vehicles taking ballots from voting places to counting and tabulation centres escorted by police, election officials and observers. No series number.

Parlamentu mak ita nia lian: lori ita nia kartaun eleitoral orijinal ka pasaporte Timor-Leste ba iha fatin vota, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 42 cm


Poster on voter I.D. Image of parliament building, young and old Timorese and examples of voter I.D. cards and passport. Series no. 12 of Vota eleisaun parlementár 30 Juñu.

Feto husik ita nia lian atu rona - labele husik ema ida dehan ita oinsá atu vota - Ita nia vota segredu, [2007] (Item) - Drawer Posters OS drawers 7-8
1 item
Dimensions Note

60 x 43 cm


Poster promoting women's right to vote and vote as they wish. Image shows photos of happy young and old Timorese women. Series no. 14 of Vota eleisaun parlementár 30 Juñu.
