Journal of George Henry Seymour, 1846-1847.


Journal of George Henry Seymour, 1846-1847

Seymour, George Henry, 1818-1869
Call Number
MS 10485
[between 1846 and 1847]
0.03 m (1 volume)
Scope and Content
Journal of Vice-Admiral George Henry Seymour, Captain of HMS Carysfort, who conveyed Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy, the 10th Governor of the Colony of New South Wales and his family from England to Australia on the HMS Carysfort in 1846. The journal describes events of the journey, the reception upon arrival, Fitzroy's immediate investiture as Governor and descriptions of Sydney including a visit to the prisons. The journal also describes the onward voyage a month later from Sydney to New Zealand where Seymour records his impressions of Auckland and encounters with Maoris.
George Henry Seymour (1818-69), MP for County Antrim, 1865-9, was descended from of a distinguished line of seafarers. His grandfather, Lord Hugh Seymour (1759-1801), his father, Sir George Francis Seymour (1787-1870), and his father-in-law, Sir George Cranfield Berkeley (1753-1818), were all admirals of the Royal Navy. He was a Royal Navy officer who was promoted to Rear-Admiral in 1863, served as a Third Naval Lord between 1866 and 1868, and became Vice-Admiral in 1869. He served in China at the end of the First Opium War, then commanded his father’s flagship at the North American and West Indies station, and subsequently served in the Baltic during the Crimean War. He was given command of HMS Carysfort, a sixth-rate sailing frigate of the Royal Navy in 1845, and served in the Pacific until 1848. It was during this time that he produced this journal.
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APA citation

Seymour, George Henry. (). Journal of George Henry Seymour, Retrieved June 7, 2024, from

MLA citation

Seymour, George Henry. Journal of George Henry Seymour, : , . Web. 7 June 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

Seymour, George Henry. , Journal of George Henry Seymour, , viewed 7 June 2024

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  | author1=Seymour, George Henry.
  | title=Journal of George Henry Seymour,
  | year=
  | section=0.03 m (1 volume)
  | publisher=
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-3234352279
  | access-date=7 June 2024
  | via=Trove

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  1. Funding for digitisation contributed by Christopher Edye