Guide to the Papers of Peter Rose


MS Acc12.017

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

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Class MS Acc12.017. Original Consignment

Series. Audio material - Cassette tapes

David Marr's Launch of Dessaix's Gay and Lesbian Writing 11/09/1993 [1], 1993 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005983) - Cassette-Box 326

Books and Writing 8/10/1993, Robert Dessaix's launch of 'The Catullan Rag" 12/09/1993

The Portico Act 1 and 2, 27/05/1989 [2], 1989 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005984) - Cassette-Box 326

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The Portico Georg Trakl, 1/10/1990 [3], 1990 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005985) - Cassette-Box 326

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The Portico Act 1 and 2, 30/04/1989 [4], 1989 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005986) - Cassette-Box 326
Wilde 7/12/1987, Peter Porter: After Martial [5], 1987 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005987) - Cassette-Box 326

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Interview with Jill Kitson on Radio National 1990. Other various interviews [6], 1990, 1993, 1996 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005988) - Cassette-Box 326

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Jeffrey Tate 8/01 [7], 2001(?) (Item NLA.MS-SAV005989) - Cassette-Box 326
Jeffrey Tate Adelaide, 1/09/2001 [8], 2001 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005990) - Cassette-Box 326
Philip Hodgins Tribute I and II [9] (Item NLA.MS-SAV005991) - Cassette-Box 326
Tribute to Philip Hodgins Mietta's 9/12/1995 [10a] 1 and 2 [10], 1995 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005992) - Cassette-Box 326

Not to be broadcast without permission of ABC Audio Arts Melbourne-Contains Copyright Material

Tribute to Philip Hodgins Mietta's 9/12/1995 [10b] 3 and 4 [11], 1995 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005993) - Cassette-Box 326
PR review of Kundera's SlownessKundera/Hodgins Tribute 12/12/1995 [11], 1995 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005994) - Cassette-Box 326
PR Review "the Untouchables ABC, 6/97; PP's 70th ABC 13/02/1999; Ian Britain talks about "once an Austn" 1/10/1997 [12], 1997, 1999 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005995) - Cassette-Box 327
"The Catullan Rag" (pages 3-48) Book 3 [13a] (Item NLA.MS-SAV005996) - Cassette-Box 327
"The Catullan Rag" The House of Vitriol [13b] (Item NLA.MS-SAV005997) - Cassette-Box 327

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Book 3 (continued) Including "the Wound" [13c] (Item NLA.MS-SAV005998) - Cassette-Box 327
Peter Porter Anti Biography 11/87; Peter Porter interview with Philip Adams 4/11/1996 [14], 1987, 1996 (Item NLA.MS-SAV005999) - Cassette-Box 327
Dessaix Launch 12/09/1993; "The Catullan Rag" 7/01/1994 [15], 1993, 1994 (Item NLA.MS-SAV006000) - Cassette-Box 327

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