Capper, J & Glover, Stephen & Jefferys, Charles & Smith, Henry. (1853). Henry Smith's emigrant's voyage and travels in Australia : as first produced at the St. James's Theatre, London : an entertaining description of the Australian emigrant's career from the docks to the diggings : comprising a variety of original songs, written expressly for this occasion, and illustrated by twenty-seven panoramic views, from the pencils of Messrs. Wilson, Desvignes, Mills, Thompson, &c. : the whole under the direction of Mr. R. Randle Retrieved December 22, 2024, from
Capper, J, Glover, Stephen, Jefferys, Charles and Smith, Henry. Henry Smith's emigrant's voyage and travels in Australia : as first produced at the St. James's Theatre, London : an entertaining description of the Australian emigrant's career from the docks to the diggings : comprising a variety of original songs, written expressly for this occasion, and illustrated by twenty-seven panoramic views, from the pencils of Messrs. Wilson, Desvignes, Mills, Thompson, &c. : the whole under the direction of Mr. R. Randle [Birmingham, West Midlands, England: , 1853. Web. 22 December 2024 <>
Capper, J & Glover, Stephen & Jefferys, Charles & Smith, Henry. 1853, Henry Smith's emigrant's voyage and travels in Australia : as first produced at the St. James's Theatre, London : an entertaining description of the Australian emigrant's career from the docks to the diggings : comprising a variety of original songs, written expressly for this occasion, and illustrated by twenty-seven panoramic views, from the pencils of Messrs. Wilson, Desvignes, Mills, Thompson, &c. : the whole under the direction of Mr. R. Randle , [Birmingham, West Midlands, England viewed 22 December 2024
| author1=Capper, J.
| author2=Glover, Stephen.
| author3=Jefferys, Charles.
| author4=Smith, Henry.
| title=Henry Smith's emigrant's voyage and travels in Australia : as first produced at the St. James's Theatre, London : an entertaining description of the Australian emigrant's career from the docks to the diggings : comprising a variety of original songs, written expressly for this occasion, and illustrated by twenty-seven panoramic views, from the pencils of Messrs. Wilson, Desvignes, Mills, Thompson, &c. : the whole under the direction of Mr. R. Randle
| year=1853
| section=24 p. ; 21 cm.
| series=Rex Nan Kivell Collection ;
| location=[Birmingham, West Midlands, England
| publisher=
| url=
| id=nla.obj-528280846
| access-date=22 December 2024
| via=Trove
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