Dangar, H & Cross, Joseph & Partington, James Edge & Dangar, H. (1828). Index and directory to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter : the lands of the Australian-Agricultural Company, with the ground plan and allotments of King's Town, New South Wales : containing a detail of the annual quit rent and amount of the redemption of the same ; also historical notes upon the tenure and principle of granting lands in the colony since 1810 ; also for the guidance of emigrant settlers, a description of the unlocated country in the vicinity of Hunter's River ; useful geographical notes on Liverpool Plains ; the present regulations and conditions upon which grants and sales of land are made by government, with observations thereon, with a view of the present state of agriculture in the colony, price of land, advice to settlers, &c. the whole forming with regard to land affairs in that colony, a complete emigrant's guide Retrieved December 28, 2024, from
Dangar, H, Cross, Joseph, Partington, James Edge and Dangar, H. Index and directory to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter : the lands of the Australian-Agricultural Company, with the ground plan and allotments of King's Town, New South Wales : containing a detail of the annual quit rent and amount of the redemption of the same ; also historical notes upon the tenure and principle of granting lands in the colony since 1810 ; also for the guidance of emigrant settlers, a description of the unlocated country in the vicinity of Hunter's River ; useful geographical notes on Liverpool Plains ; the present regulations and conditions upon which grants and sales of land are made by government, with observations thereon, with a view of the present state of agriculture in the colony, price of land, advice to settlers, &c. the whole forming with regard to land affairs in that colony, a complete emigrant's guide London: Joseph Cross, 1828. Web. 28 December 2024 <>
Dangar, H & Cross, Joseph & Partington, James Edge & Dangar, H. 1828, Index and directory to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter : the lands of the Australian-Agricultural Company, with the ground plan and allotments of King's Town, New South Wales : containing a detail of the annual quit rent and amount of the redemption of the same ; also historical notes upon the tenure and principle of granting lands in the colony since 1810 ; also for the guidance of emigrant settlers, a description of the unlocated country in the vicinity of Hunter's River ; useful geographical notes on Liverpool Plains ; the present regulations and conditions upon which grants and sales of land are made by government, with observations thereon, with a view of the present state of agriculture in the colony, price of land, advice to settlers, &c. the whole forming with regard to land affairs in that colony, a complete emigrant's guide Joseph Cross, London viewed 28 December 2024
| author1=Dangar, H.
| author2=Cross, Joseph.
| author3=Partington, James Edge.
| author4=Dangar, H.
| title=Index and directory to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter : the lands of the Australian-Agricultural Company, with the ground plan and allotments of King's Town, New South Wales : containing a detail of the annual quit rent and amount of the redemption of the same ; also historical notes upon the tenure and principle of granting lands in the colony since 1810 ; also for the guidance of emigrant settlers, a description of the unlocated country in the vicinity of Hunter's River ; useful geographical notes on Liverpool Plains ; the present regulations and conditions upon which grants and sales of land are made by government, with observations thereon, with a view of the present state of agriculture in the colony, price of land, advice to settlers, &c. the whole forming with regard to land affairs in that colony, a complete emigrant's guide
| year=1828
| section=128 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates ; 24 cm.
| location=London
| publisher=Joseph Cross
| url=
| id=nla.obj-52843909
| access-date=28 December 2024
| via=Trove
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