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The Bulletin
Fix this text“The Bulletin,” Vol. 63.—N0. 3239.
Fix this textWednesday, March 11, 1942.
Fix this textPrice 6d.
Fix this textRegistered at the General Post Office, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper.
Fix this textSeppelts
Fix this textYORK MINSTER.
Fix this textJT is in the eternal fitness of things that the ancient and historic city of York should contain within itself the largest and finest ecclesiastical edifice
Fix this textin England. As it now exists it was begun in 1171 and completed in 1472. As a church centre York is much older. In 624, Edwin, King of Northumbria,
Fix this textmade it an archiepiscopal see, and two centuries later it earned European fame for the diocesan school there established The stately minster has
Fix this textprobably an older and wider reputation than any other English cathedral. It was the centre from which Christianity spread through the country north of
Fix this textthe Humber. The, metropolitan church of the northern province was regarded with reverence and admiration as its stately towers and roofs were seen
Fix this textrising in massive grandeur above the great plain of York The vast edifice is usually entered from the south transept, the earliest portion of the existing
Fix this textchurch, and from this point the architectural succession of the cathedral may be easily observed. If approached by the great west door, the entire length
Fix this textof the minster is best seen. The vaulted roof, 100 feet high, stretches in a noble vista 500 feet long to the east window, while the mellowed light that
Fix this textstreams down from the painted windows falls on the great clustered pillars on either side of the nave. The Center or Lantern Tower, 235 feet high, is said
Fix this textto be the most massive in England, the top being beautifully battlemented. The choir, built in the same style as the nave, illustrates the progress of Gothic
Fix this textarchitecture from the Decorated to the Perpendicular. The east window, 75 feet high and 32 feet broad, is declared the finest in the world. Whether
Fix this textYork, in many phases, is worthy of its superb sacred fane is a question upon which opinions probably differ. H. V. Morton has written that York is the
Fix this textloveliest city in all England,” “her last real anchor to the Middle Ages.” Those conversant with other cities, rich too in ecclesiastical associations, may
Fix this textquestion this view. For all of that York has few equals historically and religiously in the history of the British race.
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Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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(1880). The bulletin Retrieved March 13, 2025, from
The bulletin Sydney, N.S.W: John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, 1880. Web. 13 March 2025 <>
1880, The bulletin John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, Sydney, N.S.W viewed 13 March 2025
| title=The bulletin.
| year=1880
| section=105 volumes : illustrations (chiefly coloured), portraits (chiefly coloured) ; 30-40 cm.
| issn=0007-4039
| series=John Ryan Comic Collection (Specific issues).
| issue=Vol. 63 No. 3239 (11 Mar 1942)
| location=Sydney, N.S.W
| publisher=John Haynes and J.F. Archibald
| url=
| id=nla.obj-532562322
| access-date=13 March 2025
| via=Trove
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