The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia

Call Number
N 338.1 PAS
Melbourne : Twopenny, Pearse and Co., 1901-1912
Vol. 15 No. 9 (15 November 1905)
View Catalogue


Agencies. 3
Review of Pastoral Situation New South Wales. 4
Victoria. 5
Queensland. 5 , 6
North Queensland. 6 , 7
South Australia. 7 , 8
Tasmania. 8 , 9
New Zealand-North Island. 9 , 10
New Zealand.—South Island. 10 , 11 , 12
Great Britain. 12 , 13
Common-sense on Employers Associations and Labour Legislation. 13
Advertising 13
On the Wallaby Through the Western Districts of Victoria. 14 , 15 , 16
Temora District. 17 , 18
Burrowa District. 18
NARRA-ALLEN. 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
Obituary. 21
Pastoral Celebrities. 21 , 22 , 23
The Kirribilli Meat Works and Wool Store, Sydney. 24
Mr, C. C. Hall’s (Yass, N.S.W.) Prize Merinos 24
Preventive against Mice in Haystacks. 24
New Zealand Shows from an Australian Standpoint. 25 , 26 , 27
The Rabbit Pest in New South Wales. 27
Advertising 29 , 30 , 31
PASTORALISTS REVIEW The Canadian Movement. —How they get on the Land in Canada. 31 , 32 , 33
Australian Wools from the Manufacturers’ Standpoint. 33 , 34 , 35
Australian Dairying. The Season. 35 , 36
Paspalum Dilatatum. 36
On My Rounds. 37 , 38
Extermination of Rabbits. 38
South Canterbury Notes. 38 , 39
New South Wales Lands Inquiry. 39 , 40
New South Wales Notes. 40
New South Wales Western Lands Amendment Bill. 40
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Deterioration of the Horse Stock. 41 , 42
Shropshire Sheep 42 , 43
Trimming Shropshire Sheep. 43
Ante-partum Paralysis in Ewes. 43
Encouragement of Shearing Learners. 43
Cattle Dipping Effects. 44
Railway Engine Spark Arresters. 44
Mr. Benn on the Rabbit Question. 44
The Lasso System. 44
Trew’s Lasso System. 44
Advertising 45 , 46
LITERARY SUPPULEMENT A Native Land Court. 47 , 48
Polo and All About It. 48
Sporting Notes. 49 , 50
Advertising 49
Store Weights v. Station Weights. 50
THE DAIRY New Zealand Dairying. 51
Stripping’s. 51 , 52
Argentine Cable Service. 52
Rainfall Tables. 1905. 52
Live Stock Markets. 53
The Rabbit Pest in Queensland. 54
Thousand-headed Kale. 54
THE WOOL TRADE 54 , 55 , 56 , 57
Difficulty in Connection with Geelong Sales. 57
Black Wool. 57
Wool Afloat.—Shipped from New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia. 58
Publications Received. 58
Advertising 59 , 60
MEAT & PRODUCE TRADES Position and Prospects. 61
Regularity of Shipments. 61
A London Merchant on Australian Prospects 61
Meat Notes. 61 , 62
New Zealand. 62
London Frozen Meat Quotations. 62
Australian and New Zealand Frozen Meat Exports. 63 , 64
Argentine Cable Service. 64
The Lamb Export Trade. 64
Our London Letter. 64 , 65 , 66 , 67
Australian and New Zealand Produce in English Markets. 67 , 68
Melbourne Produce Markets. 68
Manitoba’s Outlook. 68
Stud Stock Notes. English Live Stock Interests. 69
Advertising 69
Australian Stud Sheep for South Africa. 70
Advertising 70
Stud Stock Notes. 70 , 72 , 73
Advertising 71 , 72
New Zealand Sales. 73
Tasmanian Shropshire Sneepbreeders’ Association. 73
Australasian Stock Returns. 74
Stock Trucking-. 74
Stock and Land Sales. 74 , 76
Advertising 75
Dairy Stripping’s. 76
In and Around the Maranoa. 76
The Riverina Election.—Healy Affidavit. 76
Record. Stockowners’ Association of New South Wales. 77
Forthcoming Shows. 77
Advertising 77
Personal Notes. 77
Carelessness in Branding. 77
Publishers’ Department. 78
Artesian Boring Notes. 78
Advertising 78



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APA citation

(1901). The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia Retrieved January 22, 2025, from

MLA citation

The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia Melbourne: Twopenny, Pearse and Co, 1901. Web. 22 January 2025 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

1901, The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia Twopenny, Pearse and Co, Melbourne viewed 22 January 2025

Wikipedia citation

  | title=The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia
  | year=1901
  | section=v. : ill.
  | issn=0314-7088
  | issue=Vol. 15 No. 9 (15 November 1905)
  | location=Melbourne
  | publisher=Twopenny, Pearse and Co
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-539790913
  | access-date=22 January 2025
  | via=Trove

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