The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia

Call Number
NL 338.1 PAS
Melbourne : Twopenny, Pearce and Co., 1891-1901
Vol. 6 No. 6 (15 August 1896)
Printing error - page appearing after p.316 should be p.317. pages appearing after p.319 should be p.320 and p.321
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The Victorian Stock Tax. 1
Editorial Notes. 2
Review of Pastoral Situation. New South Wales. 3 , 4
Victoria. 4 , 5
Queensland. 6 , 7
Northern Queensland. 7 , 8 , 9
Central Queensland. 9 , 10
South Australia. 10 , 11
Western Australia. 11 , 12 , 13
Tasmania. 13
New Zealand. 13 , 14 , 15
Argentina. 15 , 16
South Africa. 16 , 17
Great Britain. 17 , 18
Advertising 19 , 20
Obituary. 21 , 22 , 23
Lincoln Flocks. 23
News Jottings. 24
Advertising 25 , 26 , 27
Australasian Pastoralists' Review. The Proposed Trade in Chilled Queensland Meat with the Southern Colonies. 27
New South Wales Scrub and Improvement Leases. 27 , 28
Furze and its Future as a Fodder Plant. 28 , 29
Wholesale Ringbarkingh 29 , 30 , 31
How Australian Producers are Handicapped. 31
Shows. Toowoomba and Brisbane (Q.) Shows. 32
Stock anD Station Notes. 33 , 34
Rainfall Tables. 34
Light Literature. Pitman’s Trust. 35
Riding the Buckjumper. 36
Our Book-Shelf in the Bush. 36 , 37
Advertising 36
Pluke. 37
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Dropper Fencing. 38
Land Reforms in New South Wales. 38
The Functions of the P.U. 38
Rabbit Prevention in Victoria. 38 , 39
Irrigating Natural Pasture. 39
The Fairbairn Pastoral Company. 39
Worms in Sheep. 39 , 40
Labour Union Notes. 41
The Wool Trade. 42 , 43
Our European Letter. 43 , 44
The Rabbit Pest. 44
The Development of the Tick. 45
The Tick Pest in South Africa. 45 , 46 , 47 , 48
new publication. 48
Advertising 49 , 50
Meat Erport Trabe. Frozen Meat. 51 , 52 , 53 , 54
Graziers’ Meat Export Company of New South Wales Limited. 54
Proposed Meat Export Association. 55
Meat Items. 55
Produce. 56 , 57
Interview with Mr. Chas. R. Valentine. 57
Sheepskins.—Defeetive Skinning. 57
Legal. The Mercadool Case in Banco.—Regina v. Young and Others. 58 , 59
Recovd. The Pastoralists’ Union of New South Wales. 60
United Pastoralists’ Association of Queensland. 60
Pastoralists Association of South Australia and West Darling. 60 , 61
The Pastoralists’ Association of Victoria and Southern Riverina. 61
Artesian Boring Notes. 62
Publishers’ department. 62
Advertising 62



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APA citation

(1891). The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia Retrieved April 18, 2024, from

MLA citation

The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia Melbourne: Twopenny, Pearce and Co, 1891. Web. 18 April 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

1891, The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia Twopenny, Pearce and Co, Melbourne viewed 18 April 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | title=The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia
  | year=1891
  | section=v. : ill.
  | issn=0314-7096
  | issue=Vol. 6 No. 6 (15 August 1896)
  | location=Melbourne
  | publisher=Twopenny, Pearce and Co
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-539996365
  | access-date=18 April 2024
  | via=Trove

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