
Call Number
Nq 791.405 EVE
Sydney : Everyones Ltd., 1920-1937
Vol.4 No.283 (5 August 1925)
Loss of text occurs in gutter due to tight binding. In some issues blank pages have been inserted to maintain the correct left / right pagination
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Advertising 1
Advertising 1 , 2 , 3
Of Douglas Fairbanks, and Some Others- 3
Advertising 3
Weekly Chat to Showmen. 4
The Status of the Australian Producer. 4
Keeping Faith with the Public. 4
Commonwealth tariff Board Hears Evidence on Proposed Increased Duty on Imported Films Representative Sydney gathering gives evidence against the proposal. Releasing houses, showmen’s representatives and Australian producers all testify that increase would confer no benefit upon them. 5 , 6 , 8 , 10
Advertising 7 , 9 , 11
And Now Melbourne Who asked for increased duty?— In Southern Capital, as in Sydney, no evidence is forthcoming in favor of increased burden on industry—lnteresting facts and figures placed unhesitatingly before Commission show real position of industry to-day. 12 , 13 , 16 , 17 , 19
Advertising 14 , 15
New Zealand. 18 , 44
With the Exhibitors. 19
Captain Frank Hurley Returns 19
Big Bidding for City Property 19
Another New Australian Picture 19
Albee Again a Liberal Donor 19
Advertising 20 , 21
Advertising 23
Fox Film Corporation Driv[?]irst Peg in Australian Soil Administrative Offices Estable[?] 97-99 Goulburn St., Sydney. 24 , 25
Advertising 27
Pretty Prologue to “Monsieur Beaucaire.” Last-word Presentation at the Prince Edward, Sydney. 28 , 30
Advertising 29 , 30
Removal (?) of the Entertainments Tax 30
From the Departments of Film Publicity 31 , 32
Advertising 32 , 33
Western Australia. Week Ending 31st July. 34
Advertising 35 , 36
Have Your Say. 36
South Australia. Week ending- 31st July, 1925, 37
Advertising 37
Around Hollywood Studios. 38
Advertising 39 , 40
VICTORIA Week commencing August 1, 1925. 40 , 41
Melbourne Theatres Week Commencing August 1st. 41 , 42
Sydney Picture Theatres. 42
Advertising 43 , 44
Harry Muller in San Francisco, 45
Advertising 45
The Play and Otherwise 46 , 47
Advertising 46
Advertising 47 , 48
With the Song Publishers. 48
Advertising 49
Sydney Theatres Week Commencing August 1st. 49 , 50
Advertising 49 , 50 , 51 , 52



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APA citation

(1920). Everyones Retrieved October 4, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-547534872

MLA citation

Everyones Sydney: Everyones Ltd, 1920. Web. 4 October 2024 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-547534872>

Harvard/Australian citation

1920, Everyones Everyones Ltd, Sydney viewed 4 October 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-547534872

Wikipedia citation

  | title=Everyones
  | year=1920
  | section=v. : ill. ; 32 cm.
  | issue=Vol.4 No.283 (5 August 1925)
  | location=Sydney
  | publisher=Everyones Ltd
  | url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-547534872
  | id=nla.obj-547534872
  | access-date=4 October 2024
  | via=Trove

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