The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia

Call Number
NL 338.1 PAS
Melbourne : Twopenny, Pearce and Co., 1891-1901
Vol. 3 No. 11 (15 January 1894)
Index appears at the beginning of the March issue
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Editorial Notes. 1 , 2 , 3
Revfew of pastoral Situation. New South Wales. 4 , 5
Victoria. 5
Queensland. 5 , 6
South Australia. 6 , 7
Tasmania. 7 , 8
New Zealand. 8 , 9 , 10
The Wool Trade. 10 , 11
Our London Letter. 12
Hews Tottings. 13 , 14 , 15
Rainfall Tables—December, 1893. 15
Record. The Pastoralists’ Union of New South Wales. 16
Pastoralists’ Association of South Australia. 16
Queensland United Pastoralists’ Association. 16
Boring Notes. 16
Government Bores in Progress in N.S.W. 16
Advertising 17 , 18
No title 19
Mr. J. S. Horsfall. 20
Advertising 21 , 22 , 23
Australasian pastoralists’ Bebiem. Freetrade and Land Taxation. 23 , 24
Queensland Prospects. 24 , 25
Old and New Sheds. 25 , 26
Prevention Better than Cure. 27
Records of Improvement in Wool. 27 , 28
Outbreak and Eradication of Scab in New South Wales in 1863—1865. 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32
Stock and Station Notes. 33 , 34 , 35
Our Book-Shelf in the Bush. 36 , 37
Advertising 37
Long-woolled Sheep Travelling to Water. 38
Merinos in the Tropics. 38
The Location of Bush Fires. 38
The Central Division Leases. 38
Shearers Going to the Hospital. 38 , 39
Advertising 38
Prices of Stock. 39
Price of Fat Sheep in New Zealand. 39
Gum, White and Yellow Box Seedlings. 39
The “New Method of Fencing.” 39
The Darling Downs. 39
Camel Drivers’ Wages. 39
Working’ Sheep without Dogs. 39
The Mteat Trade. Disposal of Frozen Meat at the “Other End.” 40 , 41
The Distribution in England. 41
London Report. 42
Cool Railway Trucks. 42
Items. 42 , 43
The Currency Question. 43 , 44
Bimetallism. 44
Kent Sheep. 44 , 45
Tegal. Decisions Affecting’ New South Wales Land Laws, 46
A Shearing' Dispute. 46 , 47
Refusal to Commence Work under Agreement. 47
Extension of Leases. 47
Cattle Poisoned by Wild Parsnip. 47
Publishers’ Department. 48
Advertising 48



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APA citation

(1891). The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia Retrieved October 12, 2024, from

MLA citation

The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia Melbourne: Twopenny, Pearce and Co, 1891. Web. 12 October 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

1891, The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia Twopenny, Pearce and Co, Melbourne viewed 12 October 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | title=The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia
  | year=1891
  | section=v. : ill.
  | issn=0314-7096
  | issue=Vol. 3 No. 11 (15 January 1894)
  | location=Melbourne
  | publisher=Twopenny, Pearce and Co
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-548279887
  | access-date=12 October 2024
  | via=Trove

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