Fix this text
Ny por dear Wife,
Fix this textMelbourie
Fix this textcohere serien
Fix this textI have got your and no dear Childrens lettere you commit
Fix this textrimagine my delupite at gettig it the mail farrived on Sunday sit 3 week after
Fix this texther time the mail was very heary and no activers even has get taken place bech as
Fix this textone of one passaryens has got a berth in the P. O. he got it for me yesterday keep up your
Fix this textstrofit out perseney out health to my sable and for the sake of our Bears (pildren and Divis
Fix this textbert myself to proofse a happy thout for them have some hand in the Colors yesterday after
Fix this textnoon I spent with tape Marshall on board the Glouceston he in a nature of Afra combie
Fix this textand knees me by natue and my food, he begs of me to is to Adelaide and offers me a
Fix this textfree papage for myself and Glory the says its in a paradice of a place and every this in
Fix this textabcindance and all that enhave less-it for the despicy, and I may pick up theme
Fix this textgood home and ground contines for a tritle I dout knold that Jean so get
Fix this text""but before I got make up my Nicked I shall so there and perhaps to Sydriers
Fix this textas I hear Sydney in the place for the fire art, and for Education - dent tips
Fix this textsays the Blorenge is a farts earlies befel and may arrive before the Panama
Fix this textbut we have bele here a month and she is not bet arrived fortually two
Fix this textBestroy of a Capt Beech of the Cheebuctor is coring out to be in then I Capt. Buck
Fix this textin a fricts of (or Thomas and I have been on tourd of her several times he was
Fix this texton board to us yesterday morney and Jacked him as 6 Spipes came in in the
Fix this textmoring if the Bloxenge was one of theme when he to to nee of his brother so he has
Fix this textprouded to send his boat on board of her when the mater her appearance and
Fix this textsend Merge to me as his repet lage tar out so I may espects he hourles
Fix this text& theast I shall not sand this letter nutit gorge actives which may be before
Fix this textthis mail Leaves which is not yet in from Syd reen, but hope he will as I shall
Fix this texthe anxious to give you the information you say take case and not take too much
Fix this text11 No0.
Fix this textspirits as they are so cheap they are very cheap a thimblerful cost6 I cant afford
Fix this textto purchase its
Fix this textI have been to work all say and and way tired hoistry goods out of the
Fix this textfarnis
Fix this texthold and trading a lighter my hands, are very stiff but to hands are getting
Fix this textveys hard he word find out a very delients animal when you coule out
Fix this textbutt thank had hard work agrees with me, while employed in discharging loya
Fix this textand keeping accounts I have 20 pa day and my rations common Laborers of which
Fix this textwe could get none to day 110/- so the lapt the Do S. Cooke and upsett have worke
Fix this textlive turks so you see by Lear if I do not meet with any psefscess at the
Fix this textdystry, or I canist find other employment as a Mechalice I shall be able
Fix this textHlator and Ihnact I can save out it my wages but not so last as I can
Fix this textwish to meet our parition - do not be afrised of my hat standing hard work from all s
Fix this textcase learn the work at the dejjecy is hard but it is healthy employment to those who take care
Fix this textof themsley those who are careless and live a dissipater life why it is the score there as ever
Fix this texttoters else the Constitution will give way a great many go to the degguys who have not the
Fix this textstancing indication or nodastle with persetracts or been inderpet so they have it after
Fix this texta that trial dissister the out, they of impations that is deep them is flows tread of code it
Fix this textyou cannet petalyan must cotte yours to cost camper Mutton his as cheap to in the town and state
Fix this textcheaper I shall troup with me a quantity, it four seriest tea Sager and salt – and intered
Fix this textto or my present intention or to his a cast to take of any they with Georges and his to
Fix this texttriends a parts of our resenters started a few days emcelaid paid 252 4 7s to the Bridi
Fix this textwhich to the one it that I shall is to first as it is on the road to the Ovens and the hours
Fix this textfrom the Ovenors at present uncertain – by dear Wise atthe we are parted so far in prices
Fix this textot distance thought trave, liste lightening and I. Ruth myself with often in spirit
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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