
Call Number
Nq 791.405 EVE
Sydney : Everyones Ltd., 1920-1937
Vol.9 No.420 (21 March 1928)
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Advertising 1 , 2
Hoyts’ Deal With U.A. Proves Things. “The Circus” is Next Regent Magnet. 3
For Easter: 3
Comedy s King Comes Back With a Bang. 3
Provincial Prestige: 3
Advertising 4
Let Marks Do It! 4
Screen Stars Won’t Be Unionised. 4
Break Coming Between Union Theatres and J.C.W. on Vaudeville Bookings. Tivoli Acts Will Go To Hoyts If Split Occurs. Compromise Makes Temporary Peace. Union Theatres Cable for Stage Attractions from England and U.S.A. 6
M-G-M Radio Tie-up Reachea Over 700,000 New Angle on National Advertising 6
Ralph Doyle, U. A. Chief, Hasn’t Heard About It. 6
Censor's Annual Report Ready for Parliament May be Presented Same Time as Commission Findings. 6
P.J. Telfer New M.G.M. Head in Victoria 7
Compulsory Conference Will Be Called on New Log. Employees Claim 6/- to 7/- Rise Per Week. If Round Table Conference Fails Case Will be Decided by Judiciary. Union Has Strong Case. 7
Chaplin’s “Circus” Booked for Long-Run at Regent. 7
Huge Production Schedule for British Dominions. 7
Advertising 9
Exhibitor Doings All Over Queensland. 10
Queensland 10
“Sorrell and Son” Is Exhibitor’s Picture. 10
Advertising 11
Hollywood 12
Rose Bay Wintergarden Surpasses City Theatres. 12
"Mother Machree” Beats “7th Heaven” and “Glory” in N.Z. 12
Advertising 13
Cameramen at Sea With H.M.A.S. Sydney 14
M.G.M.’s Trackless Train Arrives Brisbane March 28. Travels Entire World as Promotion Stunt. Will Cover Queensland First. 14
Olympic Theatres Purchase Another Cinema Site 14
Advertising 15 , 16 , 17
MacMahon’s Took Pictures To N.Z. in 1896. 18
Fox Trade Sereening 18
Advertising 18
Marky Seeks Maori Beauty for N.Z. Production. 18
Advertising 19 , 20
Advertising 23 , 24
Amusements on ’Change 24
“From the Milk of Contented Cows.” 24
Advertising 25
“Everyones” in N.Z. N.Z. Authorities Charge Exhibs. with Violations. 26
Advertising 26
Hawkins Finishes Industrial Reels for M-G-M 26
Showmen—As An Old Showman Sees Them. 26
Advertising 26
“Everyones” in South Australia “Ben-Hur” Goes Big At York. 26
Advertising 27
The Showman's Corner 28
West Australia 28
M-G-M Says it with Flowers. 28
“Everyones” in Tas. Mrs. S. French Leaves Fox Next April. 28
Advertising 29
Melbourne Green-Room Club Jottings 30
Melbourne 30
Artists On the Air at 3LO, Melbourne. 30
Advertising 30
Vic. Country Showmen’s Column. 31
Advertising 31
Herschell Finds British Industry Flourishing 31
Hoyts and Associated Interests 31
Advertising 32
Around Queensland 32
Hansen Strikes Unique Publicity Medium. 33
Advertising 33
PRODUCTION NEWS What’s Happening at the Studios and Exchanges Release Dates Set for Three Master Pictures Specials. 34 , 35 , 36 , 37
Charles Rogers in Universal’s “Cream of the Earth.” 34
Sydney’s Long-run Features. 34
Lupez Velex with U.A. for Five Years 34
American Exhibs. Honor Colleen Moore 35
Strong Cast for J.C.W.’s “Wheel of Destiny.” 35
“Annie Laurie” Selected for Photoplay Guide. 36
Columbia Has Secured Strong Director Liie-up 36
Paramount Stars Buddy Rogers After “Wings” Success 37
First National Finishes Six Big Films 37
THE SHOW WORLD “Everyones” Catches the Footlights' Flashes Behind the Scenes. 38
The Music Box. Motion Picture Tie-Ups Boost Songs. 39
Advertising 39
The Best Sellers of the Week 39
New Songs in Candid Review 39
Advertising 40
New Shows Reviewed. 40
Advertising 40
Vaudeville in Review. 41
The Call Board. Commencing March 24. 41
Advertising 41 , 42
Theatrical, Vaudeville News and Moves. 42
Pars on Show World People 42
Advertising 42 , 43 , 44



Citation options:
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APA citation

(1920). Everyones Retrieved December 6, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254511

MLA citation

Everyones Sydney: Everyones Ltd, 1920. Web. 6 December 2024 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254511>

Harvard/Australian citation

1920, Everyones Everyones Ltd, Sydney viewed 6 December 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254511

Wikipedia citation

  | title=Everyones
  | year=1920
  | section=v. : ill. ; 32 cm.
  | issue=Vol.9 No.420 (21 March 1928)
  | location=Sydney
  | publisher=Everyones Ltd
  | url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254511
  | id=nla.obj-565254511
  | access-date=6 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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