
Call Number
Nq 791.405 EVE
Sydney : Everyones Ltd., 1920-1937
Vol.9 No.425 (25 April 1928)
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Advertising 1
Advertising 1 , 2
GIVE THEM THE GOODS Crispe, of Charswood on Showmanship. 3
Advertising 4
The Commission’s Report. 4
Capt. Lancaster, Mrs. Miller Fly to Tasmania for U.T 8
President Coolidge Will Open Paramount Convention. 8
No Agitation Against “King of Kings.” Premiere Friday. 8
Theatrical Employees Must Be Paid for Good Friday. 8
Prohibition and Pictures. 8
Censors Pass "Dawn”: No Ban on Picture Here 8
Film Commission Reports Commonwealth Government Powerless to Act on Most Important Recommendations Without Agreement of States. Highlights Summarised for "Everyones" by Gayne Dexter. 5
50 Recommendations 6 , 9
Woman on Censor Board and Appeal Board. No Trade Representation. Abolition of State Boards Recommended. No Pre-Censorship for Distributors. Australian Productions Under Federal Control. Melbourne Office Abolished. 10 , 11
What Government Will Do On Censor Board 11
National Film Exchange Discarded. Distributors Must Be Registered. M.P.D.A. is Trade Protective Organisation. No American Combine in Australia. Contracts To Be Limited to 12 Months. 12
Excitement in Federal House When Report is Tabled. Cabinet Ministers Praise Marks. 12
5% Rejection Clause Can Only be Used to Make Room for Australian Productions. Exhibitor-Distributor Contracts Limited to 12 Months. Commission Defines Block and Blind Booking. 110,000,000 Attened Movies Annually. 13
£10,000 Yearly in Prizes for Local Productions. No National Studio. Awards Will Be Decided By Appeal Board. Demontrate Desire To Help Australian Producers." Standard of Merit Essential. 14 , 15
Halfpenny-Per-Foot Increase in Duty Costs €45,000 Extra a Year. £134,310 Duty Paid in 1926-37. British Films Free, But Commissioners Demand Reciporcity for Australia. 15
Three-Years Quota for Empire Films at 5, 10 and 15 per cent Long-Run Houses Must Show at Least One Empire Picture Per Year. Commission Recommends January 1, 1929, As Starting Date if Commonwealth Gets Power. 16 , 17
Cut Out “ Carpet Baggers," English Producers Are Told. British Boycott Denied. Improvement in English Production Will Overcome Audience-Antagonism. Distributing Agency for British Films Advocated. 17 , 18
£740,000 Sent to America Last Year Included Taxable Profits, Report Says. Keen Enquiry Into Distributors’ Financial Affairs. Commission Calls Australian Companies Distributing Branches of American Films. 18 , 19
Commission Endorses Govt. Films As Propaganda for Australia. 19
Urge State Censor Boards Be Abolished 19
Pictures will be Marked “Universal Exhibition.” Showmen Mustn't Advertise “For Adults Only.” No Anti-British Propaganda Purposely Injected Into American Films. Commission Enquires Into Juvenile Crime. Stricter Parental Control Wanted. 20 , 21
Film Report Facts. 21
'Everyones' Scoop! No Other Newspaper Presents Complete Report to Industry in Australia and Overea. 22
M.-G.-M. Issues War Memorial Appeal Films. 23
Wright Is Right! 23
Bill Drafted to Kill Fake Touring Companies. Heavy Penalties Proposed. Actors Federation Suggests Legislation to N.S.W. Chief Secretary. 23
Shooting “The Far Paradise.” 23
Lon Chaney to Write for Encyclopaedia Britannica. 23
Advertising 25
Making the Pictures Pay A Department of Practical Showmanship, Exploitation and Presentation, conducted by Exhibitors for Box-Office Results. 26
The Camera Catches the Stunts and Ideas of the Exploiteers. 27
Advertising 28 , 29 , 30
Henkel’s New Capitol Show Is Best Yet. 30
Q’land Showmen’s Effort for Cancer Fund 30
Rufe Naylor Improving. 30
But This Doesn’t Prove HE Shot Them! 30
A.P.R.A. Loses in Action Against Adelaide Council 30
Advertising 31 , 33
New York 34
M-G-M’s Trackless Train Starts Tour. 34
The Showman’s Corner 34
Advertising 35
Amusements on 'Change 37
Art Decorators Fight Foreign Competition. 37
M.-G.-.M's Leo to Tour the World. 37
Advertising 39
"Everyones" in Tas. Specials Get Big Biz For Week In Launceston. 40
Advertising 40
"Everyones" in S.A. Burglars Fire Dan Clifford Offices in Adelaide. 40
Advertising 40 , 41
A Big Scene in “Metropolis.” 42
The West 42
Advertising 43
Melbourne Green-Room Club Jottings 44
Advertising 44
Melbourne 44
Advertising 44
Artists On the Air at 3LO, Melbourne. 44
Advertising 44
Victorian Country Exhibitors’ Column 45
Advertising 45
HOYTS and Associated Interests. 45
Bert Howell Goes to Westralia for Union Theatres 45
Advertising 45 , 46
Paramount Present Hinkler With Film. 47
Wired from W.A. W.A. Will Send Cricket Team to Play N.S.W. & Vic. 47
M-G-M Staff Promotions 47
Advertising 47
PRODUCTION NEWS What’s Happening at the Studios and Exchanges First National Starts Six in Week. 48 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53
Farrell Signs Long Term With Fox 48
"Dove” Goes Big in Adelaide and Perth 48
Advertising 49
Louise Lorraine with Hines in “Chinatown Charlie.” 50
Universal Finishes “The Man Who Laughs." 50
Eric Pommer to Supervise 4 More for Ufa. 51
Pola Negri to Play in "Three Sinners.” 51
Well Chosen Cast for “Casey Jones.” 52
Haines Starts "He Learned About Women." 52
“Old Sail Franciso" Earthquake Scenes Authentic 53
Four Big Ones Coming for U.A. 53
THE SHOW WORLD Eucharistic Congress Won't Bring Boom at Sydney Box-Offices. 54
Brevities of the Week. 54
What’s On. 54
The Music Box. Edited by W. J. Percival. Allans Issue Interesting Sketch of Walter Donaldson. 55
Advertising 55
The Best Sellers of the Week 55
William Robertson 20 Years Musician with Wests 55
Advertising 55 , 56
Moiseiwitsch’s Sydney Premiere Pulls Big Business. 56
John Brownlee Opens in Melbourne, May 6. 56
Advertising 56
Ku-Ring-Gai Operatic Society Plays “Girls of Gottenbure.” 56
Albert Releases for April 56
Advertising 56
Vaudeville 57
Advertising 57
The Call Board. Commencing April 28. 57
Advertising 57 , 58
Newcastle Week ending Friday, April 20, 1928. 58
“Girl Friend” Favorite. 58
Perry’s Circus Playing N.S.W. 58
“Rose Marie” Reaches 100th Week of Australian Season 58
Sidney Dan Playing Picture Houses 58
Old Performers in Distress 58
Digger Show Reorganised 58
Bert Howard and Josie Johnson Panto. Doing Well 58
Personalities 58
Advertising 59 , 60



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APA citation

(1920). Everyones Retrieved December 13, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254616

MLA citation

Everyones Sydney: Everyones Ltd, 1920. Web. 13 December 2024 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254616>

Harvard/Australian citation

1920, Everyones Everyones Ltd, Sydney viewed 13 December 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254616

Wikipedia citation

  | title=Everyones
  | year=1920
  | section=v. : ill. ; 32 cm.
  | issue=Vol.9 No.425 (25 April 1928)
  | location=Sydney
  | publisher=Everyones Ltd
  | url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565254616
  | id=nla.obj-565254616
  | access-date=13 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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