
Call Number
Nq 791.405 EVE
Sydney : Everyones Ltd., 1920-1937
Vol.9 No.426 (2 May 1928)
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Advertising 1
Advertising 1 , 2
Promotes Patronage and Pays Dividends. Tom Dorgan of the Rivers Practices and Preaches Date Saving Policy. 3
Advertising 4
The Annual Insult. 4
Has Government Grabbed £25,000 A Year for Itself ? Written Exclusively for “Everyones” by Gayne Dexter. 6
What the Distributors Have Gained and Lost. 6 , 7
Marks Congratulates “Everyones” On Handling of Commission. 7
No Increase in Admission Prices, says Bill Howe. 7
Will Guthrie Attack In Senate ? 7
Herschell Says England May Produce Here. 8
“Producers Got More Than They Expected”--Longfbrd. To-day’s Distribution Chiefs Were Once “Carpet-Baggers.” Industry Should Look to Future and Forget Past. 8
Advertising 9 , 11
Has America Lost Its Sense of Humor? Australian Censors Ask. Annual Report Doesn’t Like Stars Without Trousers. 7.6 Per Cent, of Feature Films Rejected Last Year. Quota Comments Conflict With Royal Commission’s Report. 12
Advertising 13
F.N.’s Hat Trick In Melb. 14
Advertising 14
Big City Firm Establishes Theatre-Selling Department. 14
M. G. M. Lands Lion Cub From U.S.A. 14
Amusements on ’Change 14
Advertising 15 , 17
Atmospheric Innovations in J.C.W.Comedy Theatre,Melb. 18 , 20
Advertising 18 , 19 , 20
“King of Kings” Trade Shown in Country Centres. 20
In Queensland 20
Advertising 21
Magistrate Bans Boy From Pictures. Showmen Protest. 22
Advertising 22 , 23 , 25 , 26
The West 27
Marky Uses 3000 in Maori Battle Scenes. 27
Advertising 27
“Everyones” in S.A. Ozone Theatres Get Hinkler Boost. 28
The Showman’s Corner. 28
Advertising 28 , 29 , 31
“Everyones” in N.Z. N.Z. Film Imports Valued at £230,008 Last Year. 32
Advertising 32 , 33
Artists On the Air at 3LO, Melbourne. 34
Advertising 34
Melbourne 34
Advertising 34
Melbourne Green-Room Club Jottings 34
Advertising 34
Extra Firemen on Duty May Modify Smoking Ban 35
50 Acre Site at Geelong for Production 35
Advertising 35
£3,500 Film Insurance Paid in Two Years. 35
Advertising 35
Vic. Country Showmen’s Column 35
Advertising 35 , 36
Last Month’s Film Reviews. 38
Chicago Cabaret is New Presentation at Sydney Capitol 38
PRODUCTION NEWS What's Happening at the Studios and Exchanges M-G-M'S Production Record, 17 in Work. 39 , 40 , 41
Sydney’s Long-run Features. 39
Columbia Signs Holt for Five Productions 39
“Sorrell and Son” Has Nine Weeks in Sydney 39
Ann Drew in “Winds of Pampas” 40
“Cream of the Earth" has Chas. Rogers, Marian Nixon. 40
Four Sons" Goes Big in New York 41
18 Cameras Record One Sequence in “Wings" 41
THE SHOW WORLD Australian-Successes—and Failures—in London. Vaudeville is Dead. 42
J.C.W. Star Marries in Melbourne. 42
What’s On. 42
The Music Box. Edited by W. J. Percival. Tellier’s ’Frisco Band for St. Kilda Palais. 43
Nine Months “Black Crow” Royalties Total £40,000. 43
America Hit By Increased Australian Duty. 43
What the Pros. Are Doing. 43
The Best Sellers of the Week 43
Advertising 43 , 44
New Shows Reviewed. Tumultuous Receptions for Gladys Moncrieff in “Rio Rita” at St. James, Sydney. 44
Advertising 44
The Call Board. Commencing May 5 45
Tivoli Score 45
Advertising 45
New Turns in Vaudeville 45
Advertising 45 , 46
J.C.W. Gilbert and Sullivan Won’t Disband 46
Adelaide Theatres Week ending April 27 46
Newcastle Notes Week ending April 27. 46
Jennie Brennan Brings “Heebee Jeebies” to Melb. 46
Personalities 46
Advertising 47 , 48



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APA citation

(1920). Everyones Retrieved December 6, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565275524

MLA citation

Everyones Sydney: Everyones Ltd, 1920. Web. 6 December 2024 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565275524>

Harvard/Australian citation

1920, Everyones Everyones Ltd, Sydney viewed 6 December 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565275524

Wikipedia citation

  | title=Everyones
  | year=1920
  | section=v. : ill. ; 32 cm.
  | issue=Vol.9 No.426 (2 May 1928)
  | location=Sydney
  | publisher=Everyones Ltd
  | url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-565275524
  | id=nla.obj-565275524
  | access-date=6 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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