The bulletin

Call Number
NX 252
Sydney, N.S.W.: John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, 1880-1984
Vol. 81 No. 4471 (6 Nov 1965)
minor loss of text due to tight binding
View Catalogue


The Bulletin 1
Advertising 2
The Bulletin 3
Advertising 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
National Notebook 9 , 11
Horne As Novelist 9 , 11
Advertising 10
Tanner 12
PLAIN ENGLISH “The Bulletin” and the Giggling Politicians 13
THIS AUSTRALIA POLITICS The Quiet Left Labor leadership? 14
WATERFRONT WWF Goes Salvaging "Sand in the wind.” 15
DEFENCE Skyhawks A new strike carrier? 15
FUEL BP and Moonie Blaming the tankers 16
Advertising 16
ELECTIONS On Trial Bondi’s shifting sand 17
NEW GUINEA Black Wages Sugar costs the same 17 , 18
REAL ESTATE The Wealthy Tenants A compromise rental 18 , 19
Advertising 18
SECTS Disenchanted Brethren “Secretive sub-world” 19
Advertising 19
The Confessions of Barry Humphries 20 , 21 , 24
Advertising 23 , 24
The Holy War Out of the ghettos 25 , 27
Advertising 26 , 27 , 28
AROUND MELBOURNE Timbertop and the Disposal Store “A Woburn Abbey job at 2s. 6d. a head" 28
NEW YORK LETTER The Death of Rasputin An invasion of privacy? 29 , 31
Advertising 29 , 30 , 31
The Master Mind Behind the Great Train Robbery 31 , 32 , 33
Advertising 32 , 33 , 34
NEW ZEALAND NEWSLETTER “A Repugnant Gag” Keeping the home papers earning 34 , 35 , 36
Advertising 35 , 36
OVERSEAS Britain First (Extracts from the “Drop East of Suez” speech by Mr. Enoch Powell, Conservative M.P.) 37
God and Man in New York 37 , 38
Advertising 38 , 39
Cynical Equation Zionists and neo-Nazis 40
The Vietcong’s POWs 40
Advertising 41
Memo to the Attorney-General If you REALLY want law reform 42 , 43 , 45
Advertising 43 , 44
LETTERS From Canberra to Konedobu 46
Four Brigadiers and the CMF 46
Dynamism Plus 46 , 47
Talking Books 47
Dr Ayd and the Pill 47
Advertising 47
ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT “A Big, Mad Gesture...” 48
Half-hour with Hancock 49
THEATRE Belief in Love 49 , 50
Advertising 50
Dylan As Documentary 50 , 51
MUSIC Pianissimo 51
Advertising 51
The Dream of Alfred Deakin 52 , 53 , 54
Advertising 52
The Lady And The Robot 53
Advertising 53
The Search of Beatrice Cenci 54 , 55
Advertising 54
Founder 54
After the Fall 55
Advertising 55
BUSINESS AND FINANCE Big Guns in Fertilisers 56
British and American Share Markets 56
ECONOMICS ANONYMOUS A Welcome Conspectus Of Rural Credit Banks and finance for farmers 57 , 58
CROESUS Bounce from Big Brother 58 , 59
Advertising 58 , 59
Prospecting for Phosphate Grist for the fertiliser boom 60 , 61
Advertising 61
THE MAN ON THE LAND Wheat Subsidy Vindicated One lesson from the drought 62 , 63
Advertising 62 , 63
AGRISEARCH The Fate of Black Sheep Breeding color out of merinos 64 , 65
Advertising 64 , 65
INVESTMENT Not Two of a Kind Fortunes of a banking pair 66 , 67 , 68 , 69
Advertising 66 , 67 , 68 , 69
Company Meeting Wm. Haughton and Co. Ltd. 70
SECURITY ANALYSIS Downward Pressures on Profits Newbold could be over-valued 71
BEHIND THE BALANCE SHEETS Much Brighter Grey Problems of a new factory 72 , 74 , 75
Advertising 72 , 73 , 74
CONSOL. METAL PRODUCTS LTD Some Growth Qualities 75 , 76
Advertising 75 , 76 , 77
"The Bulletin Crossword No. 872 77
SPECULATOR'S DIARY Putting a Value on Kelman And how to dodge MLC panic 78
Advertising 78 , 79 , 80



Citation options:
Work identifier

APA citation

(1880). The bulletin Retrieved December 28, 2024, from

MLA citation

The bulletin Sydney, N.S.W: John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, 1880. Web. 28 December 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

1880, The bulletin John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, Sydney, N.S.W viewed 28 December 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | title=The bulletin
  | year=1880
  | section=105 volumes : illustrations (chiefly coloured), portraits (chiefly coloured) ; 30-40 cm.
  | issn=0007-4039
  | series=John Ryan Comic Collection (Specific issues).
  | issue=Vol. 81 No. 4471 (6 Nov 1965)
  | location=Sydney, N.S.W
  | publisher=John Haynes and J.F. Archibald
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-686667337
  | access-date=28 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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