Cambodia 1980 - life returns Phnom Penh, PP victim photos, river fishing, big fish, two men, on the road, killing fields, Driver Phuong, Cambodia kids, WB [dance?] performance, peasants in fields, torture chambers, Phnom Penh, Cambodia/Vietnam border 1978? 1980? Girl with scar, Cambodia-Vietnam Border, Phi Lai, Tam Buu

Not Available Online

Cambodia 1980 - life returns Phnom Penh, PP victim photos, river fishing, big fish, two men, on the road, killing fields, Driver Phuong, Cambodia kids, WB [dance?] performance, peasants in fields, torture chambers, Phnom Penh, Cambodia/Vietnam border 1978? 1980? Girl with scar, Cambodia-Vietnam Border, Phi Lai, Tam Buu

Start Date
01 January 1980
End Date
31 December 1980
Content advisory notice: This file contains graphic images of conflict in Cambodia which may be distressing. This includes images of torture, violent acts and human remains.

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