China 1972, Tachai, RFC, Kabul 1980, Japan - anti-war demonstration, Minamata, Cuba 1967/76, Nanking, Nanking observatory and S.Y. Sen memorial park, Monique and Chiang Ching, China 1972 - wheelbarrow tax, stone cutters, District opera (Linhsien) spectacle

Not Available Online

China 1972, Tachai, RFC, Kabul 1980, Japan - anti-war demonstration, Minamata, Cuba 1967/76, Nanking, Nanking observatory and S.Y. Sen memorial park, Monique and Chiang Ching, China 1972 - wheelbarrow tax, stone cutters, District opera (Linhsien) spectacle

Start Date
01 January 1967
End Date
31 December 1980

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