Second visit NLF - includes NFL ; NL bazooka ; FNL Jolie fille avec grand fusil [i.e.. pretty girl with big gun] ; NFL women and trenches ; bridge crossing ; NFL harvest ; man portrait, destroyed village ; pigs ; Burchett with FNL SVN ; unidentified colour negatives - rice harvest? Tai Nguyen negs

Not Available Online

Second visit NLF - includes NFL ; NL bazooka ; FNL Jolie fille avec grand fusil [i.e.. pretty girl with big gun] ; NFL women and trenches ; bridge crossing ; NFL harvest ; man portrait, destroyed village ; pigs ; Burchett with FNL SVN ; unidentified colour negatives - rice harvest? Tai Nguyen negs

Start Date
01 January 1960
End Date
31 December 1979

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