Guide to the collection of the Hove Central Library (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Fonds. Autograph Collection - Papers of Frank J. Arlton, 1891

Series. Letters of Frank J. Arlton, March 1891

Filmed selectively.

John Billington (London) to Mrs Carlton, 16 March 1891 (File 3)

News of her son, Frank, at Newcastle, Queensland (sic); his ship SS Victoria due in London soon.

Fonds. Papers of Edward Horace Man, 1892 - 1901

Series. Letters to Edward Horace Man, Deputy Superintendent, Andaman Islands, February 1892 - December 1901

Henry H. Giglioni (Florence) to Man, 10 February 1894 (File 62)

Thanks for various objects; has received from Italian Consul at Singapore four magnificent Perak stone implements.

H.H. Giglioni to Man, 21 December 1894 (File 63)

Thanks for case; looks forward to results of his diggings in Andaman Islands; Administrator of British New Guinea is in Florence.

H.H. Giglioni to Man, 9 July 1898 (File 64)

Grieved to learn of death of Sir W.E. Maxwell with whom he corresponded when at Singapore.

H.H. Giglioni to Man, 7 December 1901 (File 66)

Thanks for prints and photographs of Andamese and Nicobar natives and scenery; Beccari is publishing a book on his travels in Borneo.

Baron Anatole von Hugel (Cambridge) to Man, 23 February 1892 (File 69)

Requests photographs of Andamese; offers in exchange photographers of Fiji Islanders.

Fonds. Autograph Letters, 1818

Series. Various persons – F, December 1818

Filmed selectively.

Duke of York to Duke of Wellington, 26 December 1818 (File 200)

Case of Corporals John Wilkinson and John Whalley and Privates Robert Mantle and Giles Seddon of 2nd Dragoon Guards tried for burglary; death sentences commuted to transportation for life to New South Wales.

Fonds. Papers of Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, 1805 - 1900

Sir Garnet Joseph Wolseley (1833-1913), 1st Viscount Wolseley (created 1885). He enlisted in the Army in 1852 and served in Burma, Crimea, India, China, Canada, South Africa and Egypt. He became a major-general in 1877, general in 1885 and field marshal in 1894. He was Adjutant-General to the Forces (1882-90), Commander-in-Chief, Ireland (1890-95), and Commander-in-Chief to the Forces (1895-1901).

Series. Autograph Collection, February 1839 - October 1899

Sir George Bowen (London) to Wolseley, 9 June 1886 (File)

Invitation to attend dinner at Royal Colonial Institute; Bowen will read paper on proposed federation of the Empire.

Duke of Cambridge (Sandringham) to Wolseley, 30 November 1883 (File)

Will write to Lord Hartington about additional artillery battery for Straits Settlements.

H.C.E. Childers (London) to Wolseley, n.d. (File)

Introduces General P. Scratchley who is seeking officers on behalf of Government of Victoria.

Lord Hartington (Chatsworth) to Wolseley, 2 December 1883 (File)

Seeks advice on proposal to send two battalions of Royal Garrison Artillery to Straits Settlements.

General Sir Gerald Graham (London) to Wolseley, 31 August 1885 (File)

Congratulations on honours; recommends clasp should be added to Tamai 1885 instead of for Tofrits so Australians can be included among recipients.

King Kalakaua (Honolulu) to Robert F. Synger (Foreign Office), 21 October 1882 (File)

Gifts arrived safely by Portuguese ship Hansa; Queen sends her thanks for articles given for the bazaar; remembers Wolseley and Lady Wolseley; high opinion of Wolseley's military skills; hopes British Government will respond favourably to announcement of his coronation.

Sir James Knight (Florence) to Lord Mar, 19 February 1839 (File)

Thanks for letter; comments on resignation of Lord Glenelg as Secretary of State for the Colonies and on his attitude to politics; hopes Lord Normanby will not allow Secretary at War [Lord Howick] to break through all the customary forms as he has lately done.

Andrew Lang (London) to Lady Wolseley, 30 April [n.y.] (File)

Has no chance of saying in journalism what he thinks, as he never writes on politics; if he were a bachelor he would go to Australia or America as he is so ashamed of England.

Sir Henry Parkes (London) to Wolseley, 31 October 1883 (File)

Asks whether consideration has been given to defences of Sydney.

Sir Henry Parkes (London) to Wolseley, 10 March 1884 (File)

Requests Wolseley sign and date photograph for Parkes's album.

Sir Henry Parkes to Wolseley, 12 March 1884 (File)

Sends two photographs and some publications on Australia, including a selection of his speeches.

Sir Harry Rawson (Lough Swilly, Ireland) to Wolseley, 20 October 1899 (File)

Forwards request of his brother-in-law, Lt. Col. F.F.Mackenzie, that 5th Lancs. Fusiliers be re-embodied if the militia are called out.

Sir Harry Rawson (Alexandria) to Wolseley, 30 September [n.y.] (File)

Death of his brother; thanks Wolseley for his kindness and for taking him as his naval ADC.

Philip Robinson (London) to Wolseley, 25 February 1891 (File)

Thanks for Wolseley's reply on behalf of his friend Charles Arnold; Robinson has seen a preliminary prospectus advertising the 'Australian sheep shearing shed.'

Admiral Sir George Tryon (London) to Wolseley, 28 October 1889 (File)

Encloses letter from grandson of Sir Alfred Stephen in New South Wales.

Humphry Ward (Haslemere) to Wolseley, 15 August 1891 (File)

Requests support for his cousin, Col. Sandwich, who has prospect of commanding troops in New Zealand.

Thomas Woolner (London) to Wolseley, 15 August 1883 (File)

Thanks for loan of the Life; comments on Sir Thomas Lawrence's portrait of Sir John Moore and passage from Kippis's Life of Cook.

Series. Personal and Military Papers, 1805 - 1900

Subseries. Scrapbook No. 19: The New South Wales Contingents to South Africa, October 1899 – June 1900, Sydney, Turner & Henderson, 1900.
Subseries W/MEM/2. Bound volume of memoranda by Wolseley, January 1886 - November 1886
Lord Dunraven to Wolseley, 8 November 1886 (File 2/9)

Requests Wolseley's opinion for committee considering strategic implications of proposal to extend Canadian Pacific Company from Vancouver to Hong Kong.

Wolseley to Lord Dunraven, 13 November 1886 (File)

Sends memorandum (9pp. + maps and appendices) on the subject.

Tables showing strength of British Army at home, in India and in the colonies, 1 January 1886 (File 2/22)
Subseries W/P. Wolseley to Lady Wolseley, March 1888
C. Grove to Wolseley, 16 March 1888 (File 17.15.2)

Decision of Cabinet to send Wolseley to Australia and give him Aldershot on his return.

Subseries W/PLB/1. Private letterbook of Wolseley, February 1888 - March 1889
Wolseley to Col. G.B. Harman, 25 February 1888 (File 85)

Explains difficulties regarding his immediate acceptance of mission to Australia.

Wolseley to General Edwards (Hong Kong), 7 March 1889 (File 102)

Duke of Cambridge considers Edwards's proposal to visit Australia to be premature.

Subseries W/Pr. Printed material, 1805
Charles W. Stewart, MP. Suggestions for the improvement of the military force of the British Empire (95pp.), 1805 (File 22)
