Australian foreign affairs record

Call Number
N 327.94 CUR
[Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service], 1973-1988
Vol. 45 No. 8 (August 1974)
View Catalogue


Australian Foreign Affairs Record 1
Australian Foreign Affairs Record 3 , 4
Swearing in off the new President of the United States 5
Argentina Since Theturn of Civilian Government 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13
Kashmir: New hopes for a greement on future autonomy 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
STATEMENTS OF POLICY Private Investments in Asian and Pacific Countries 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27
SHORTER ARTICLES The UN and Multi-National Corporations 27
Portugal: Shedding The Colonial Burden 28 , 29
The New Government in Greece 29
Southern Rhodesia: Elections 30
South Viet-Nam: Provincial and City Council Elections 31
Economic and Social Council: 57th Session 31 , 32
President Ford: A Brief Profile 33 , 34
The Watergate Affair—Diary of Events 34 , 35 , 36
The World Population Conference 36 , 37
The South African Council of Churches 38
Floods in Bangladesh 39 , 40
The Saudi Arabian Budget: 'But Where's The Money Going To?' 40 , 41
Italy: Terrorism and the Political Order 41 , 42
Iraq's Kurdish Problem 42 , 43
The Malaysian Elections 43 , 44
OFFICIAL STATEMENTS Australia-Japan Talks on Beef 45
Goodwill Messages to Greece 45
Food Aid for Sahelian Zone 45 , 46
Co-operation with ASEAN 46
EEC Compensation for Australia 46 , 47
Australian Trade Deficit 47
Rhodesia Information Centre 47 , 48
RMC Cadets Visit Indonesia 48
Assistance to Australians in Cyprus 48 , 49
Appointment of Australian Ambassador to Kuwait 49
Australia Gives Emergency Aid to Bangladesh 49 , 50
Australian—British Sugar Talks 50
GATT Textile Arrangement 50 , 51
Australia Recognises Guinea Bissau 51 , 52
Australian Delegation to World Population Conference 52 , 53
World Population Conference 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57
Aid to Indonesia 57
Appointment of Ambassador to Senegal and the Ivroy Coast 57
French Nuclear Test 57
NORMAN KIRK: 58 , 59
Namibia Day 59
US Frigates for Australian Navy 60
Australian Treaty Relationships 61
Calendar of Conferences 62 , 63
Representation 63
DIARY OF WORLD EVENTS — AUGUST 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70



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APA citation

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade & Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. (1973). Australian foreign affairs record Retrieved December 22, 2024, from

MLA citation

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. Australian foreign affairs record [Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service], 1973. Web. 22 December 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade & Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs. 1973, Australian foreign affairs record Australian Govt. Pub. Service], [Canberra viewed 22 December 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | author1=Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
  | author2=Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs.
  | title=Australian foreign affairs record
  | year=1973
  | section=16 volumes : illustrations ; 25-30 cm.
  | issn=0311-7995
  | issue=Vol. 45 No. 8 (August 1974)
  | location=[Canberra
  | publisher=Australian Govt. Pub. Service]
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-919321986
  | access-date=22 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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