Petherick Reading Room
Due to major building activity at the Library you may hear some intermittent construction noise during your visit. We apologise for the inconvenience and we are grateful for your understanding.
Some of our collection is also temporarily unavailable. This means we may not be able to fulfil some requests for deliveries of Library items to the Reading Rooms.
At the moment, this includes the Asian Collections – general books and serials (until June 2025). Please check the catalogue carefully to find out if your selection is impacted.
The Petherick Reading Room is co-located within the Special Collections Reading Room, normally on Level 1 of the Library. However, due to major building activity, the Special Collections Reading Room (including the Petherick Reading Room) is in a new temporary location on Lower Ground 1. For the next 12 months we will be operating with reduced space, which may impact deliveries of large amounts of material and our capacity to accommodate researchers.
Please note that there are no collection deliveries in evenings or on weekends and that delivery times vary throughout the week. Check delivery times before you visit.
Researchers may apply for Petherick Reader status if they intend to undertake advanced research and intensively use the Library's collections onsite. Many Petherick Readers are, for example, writing a book or conducting other long-term or in-depth research, or undertaking shorter term research as a visiting scholar.
Applications for a Petherick Reader's card should demonstrate both a proven record of research and a need to use a significant amount of material relevant to the Library's collection strengths.
Successful applicants are issued with a Petherick Reader's card for a time period that is appropriate to the expected duration of their research.

Petherick guidelines
In addition to normal Library services Petherick Readers enjoy the Petherick Reading Room facilities, expanded services, special communications and event invitations, letters of support from the Library and the opportunity to engage with the Petherick community of researchers.
Petherick Readers enjoy ongoing support from the National Library and the Petherick community and in return are asked to inform the Library of any research outcomes resulting from their work in the Petherick Reading Room.
Petherick Readers can also expect to be:
- invited to deliver a brief, informal presentation to the Petherick community on the subject of their research
- asked to acknowledge the support of the National Library, where appropriate, in publications resulting from their Petherick research
- invited to engage with the Petherick community, through events and facilitated introductions to researchers with similar interests.
As a courtesy to other readers and staff, Petherick Readers should respect that the Petherick and Special Collections Reading Rooms are quiet areas and:
- must inform the Library as soon as possible if they change their name, address or contact details, or lose their Library card, or if they no longer need to use the Petherick Reading Room
- must use the facilities for their intended purpose, to conduct research which is supported by the National Library collections
- are responsible and accountable for the material issued to them in the Reading Room
- must not allow anyone else to use their Library card. Contact staff regarding requests for access for research assistants. We will need the name of your assistant, confirmation that they have their own Library card, and the duration for which you would like them to be your 'proxy'.
- may be asked to provide advice and feedback regarding new services and resources
- must keep their working spaces and pigeonholes tidy to minimise the risk of damage to collection material.
Petherick registration is a privilege granted at the discretion of the National Library. The Library may cancel or suspend a reader's Petherick status and registration if the policies or guidelines are not met.
All National Library readers must abide by the Library Regulations and follow the rules governing the use of Reading Rooms, facilities and collection material. All readers are expected to abide by the conditions of the Library's Code of conduct for readers and visitors and the Acceptable use of information and communication technology policy.
Petherick registration
Petherick Readers are granted access to facilities and privileges in order to support advanced, ongoing and in-depth use of the National Library's collections.
Academics, authors, professional researchers, independent scholars, visiting fellows and grant holders at other institutions and doctoral or post-doctoral students are welcome to apply. Studies at undergraduate or master's levels cannot be accommodated in the Petherick Reading Room.
Applications are considered and approved by senior Reader Services staff. Registration will generally be granted to those with a proven record of research and whose current or proposed research demonstrably involves significant onsite use of the Library's collections.
To register as a Petherick Reader, you must have an active National Library login and complete an application form outlining their research topic and detailing intended use of the Library's collections and resources.
When assessing applications, the Library takes into account the:
- applicant's ability to clearly articulate their research goals and intended outcomes
- strength of evidence of the relevance and value of the National Library collections to the proposed research, particularly when materials are unique, rare or comprehensive
- quality of the applicant's publishing track record or other research or creative outputs.
In addition to reviewing the Petherick guidelines, we strongly recommend that applicants:
- search the National Library's website and catalogue to confirm that the Library holds sufficient resources relevant to their research before applying for Petherick registration
- submit evidence of previous research experience, such as a short bibliography, as well as an indication of the length of time they anticipate they will require the additional privileges associated with being a Petherick Reader. Past use of the collections may also be taken into account.
Note that required use of material from the Newspapers and Microforms Collections is not taken into consideration when assessing applications, as these collections are accessed in other Reading Rooms.
Successful applicants are granted Petherick status for a time period that is appropriate to the expected duration of the research.
Long-term use
Depending on the nature and duration of your research, Petherick Reader's status is valid for up to two years, with the possibility for renewal upon application. Prospective readers who are writing a book or undertaking a lengthy research project using special collections, for example, may wish to apply for long-term use.
Short-term use
These cards are issued to Petherick Readers who will be using the collections intensively for a shorter time, for example visiting academics and grant holders.