NLA Publishing books | National Library of Australia (NLA)

NLA Publishing books

Showing 1 - 12 of 59 results
Book cover for 'Fit to Print' which features the title in white text and a black and white photo of two men working on a large ship propeller
Fit to Print
Mike Bower
Book cover for 'The Colt from Old Regret' which features illustrations of a brown horse and a white horse in the Australian bush
The Colt from Old Regret
Dianne Wolfer, illustrated by Erica Wagner
Coming soon
Teachers' notes
Young fiction
Cover of NLA Publishing book 'Olive Cotton' which features a black and white photograph looking up at a tree and purple along the top and bottom
Olive Cotton
National Library of Australia
Art and photography
General non-fiction
Cover of NLA Publishing book 'Wolfgang Sievers' with a photo of tyre manufacturing machinery and blue along the top and bottom
Wolfgang Sievers
National Library of Australia
Art and photography
General non-fiction
Cover of the book 'Dog Beach' showing dogs running around on a beach
Dog Beach
Julie Murphy, illustrated by Annie White
Picture book
Cover of the book 'Our Streets'
Our Streets: The Regional Cities and Major Towns Project
National Library of Australia
Art and photography
General non-fiction
Cover of book 'Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants'
Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants
Tania McCartney
Childrens non-fiction
Teachers' notes
Cover of the book 'Telling Lives'
Telling Lives: The Seymour Biography Lecture 2005-2023
Chris Wallace (editor)
General non-fiction
Cover of the book 'Townsend of the Ranges'
Townsend of the Ranges
Peter Crowley
General non-fiction
Cover of the book 'Hopes and Fears: Australian Migration Stories'
Hopes and Fears: Australian Migration Stories
National Library of Australia
General non-fiction
Cover of the book 'If Everyone Cared Enough'
If Everyone Cared Enough
Margaret Tucker MBE
General non-fiction
Cover of the book 'The Bird Art of William T. Cooper'
The Bird Art of William T. Cooper
Wendy Cooper
General non-fiction

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