Support a fellowship or scholarship | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Support a fellowship or scholarship

Help researchers, young scholars and artists immerse themselves in our unique collections to create new knowledge and transformative works.

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The National Library of Australia is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR). Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

What we can achieve with your support

The National Library's Fellowships and Scholarships program enables outstanding academic researchers, younger scholars, and creative practitioners to visit the Library and immerse themselves in our unique collections. Each of these Fellows and Scholars uses their time at the Library to delve into our collections and pursue the creation of a new scholarly or creative work.

Four people standing in front of chairs and tables.

L-R, 2023 Asia Study Grant recipient Miss Ruonan Chen, and 2023 NLA Scholars Mrs Stephanie Shon, Ms Kate Kirby and Mrs Judith Bartholomeusz

L-R, 2023 Asia Study Grant recipient Miss Ruonan Chen, and 2023 NLA Scholars Mrs Stephanie Shon, Ms Kate Kirby and Mrs Judith Bartholomeusz

These opportunities depend entirely on donors like you. We are seeking support for Fellowships and Scholarships so that a new generation of thinkers can use our collections to create important and transformative works.

Your support will sustain these opportunities, which nurture future fellows and scholars to produce new bodies of knowledge that draw on the Library's remarkable collections.

I truly could not have undertaken my work without the access I enjoyed as a Summer Scholar

Summer Fellow Deborah Lee Talbot sits at a table in front of the Leonard French stain glass window at the Library. Deborah wears glasses and a white shirt

Deborah Lee-Talbot, 2022 Summer Scholar

Information for supporters

Find out more about making a donation.

The National Library of Australia is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR). Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

  • Principal patrons: gifts of $1,00,000 and above
  • Platinum Patrons: gifts of $250,000 and above
  • Gold Patrons: gifts of $100,000 and above
  • Silver Patrons: gifts of $25,000 and above
  • Bronze Patrons: gifts of $10,000 and above
  • Patrons: gifts of $1,000 and above

We acknowledge and recognise the generous contributions of all our Patrons and donors.

  • Online: we publish a current list of donors and Patrons every year.
  • Annual report: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Principal Patrons are included in our Annual Report.
  • Honour wall: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Principal Patrons are included on our honour wall onsite at the Library.
Page published: 08 Nov 2024

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