How to make a legal deposit | National Library of Australia (NLA)

How to make a legal deposit

The Library only needs one copy of a publication and we prefer electronic.

If you send multiple copies, duplicate copies may be discarded.

New editions that contain substantial updates to content will be accepted into the collection alongside previous editions.

If you are unsure what needs to be deposited, or which edition of your book to deposit, please visit Legal deposit questions and answers.

How to deposit - National edeposit (NED)

Electronic deposit is free, easy, safe and fast and is our preferred way to receive collection items. You can deposit an electronic copy of your publication through the National edeposit service (NED). You can set access conditions at the time of deposit.

Electronic deposits through NED are usually discoverable in the National Library Catalogue and in Trove within 48 hours. Please note magazines and serials may take a little longer to appear.

You will receive an automated acknowledgement of your deposit. Electronic files need to be free of Digital Rights Management restrictions (DRM) so they can be preserved and made available into the future.

How to deposit - Print deposit

If you choose to, you can deliver your publication in person to the National Library. We will ask you to complete a form when you deposit.

When depositing in print by post there is no standard form to be completed, simply include your name and address on the package or on a slip with the publication.

Send books to:

Legal Deposit
National Library of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600

Send magazines and journals to:

Australian Serials
National Library of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600

We value your publication, however with a high volume of materials being deposited we are unable to respond to each item print publication added to the collection. Your publication will appear in the National Library Catalogue and in Trove within 3 months of your date of deposit.

Page published: 05 Mar 2025

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