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carry on
SYDNEY, Tuesday.
— Building and metal
workers employed by the
Mainline Corporation de
cided today to follow
.union recommendations
and continue to work on
the company's sites.
The secretary o/ (lie NSW
building trades group of
unions, Mr S. Vaughan, said
the future of Mainline rested
with its client's guaranteeing
to pay wages and material
costs to sub-contractors.
He ^aid he had sent a tele
gram to the NSW Minister,
for Works, Mr Punch, late
today, saying the fate of (he
company rested with the atti
tudes of clients.
1-le said the NSW Govern
ment was the largest single
client in the State, with S64
million in contracts, but it
had not yet responded to the
trade-union decision to meet
this problem.
Mr Vaughan said he had
received a telegram from the
Federal Minister, for Hous
ing, Mr Johnson, informing
him thai discussions were
held in Canberra this after
noon to decide if tile Federal
Government was in a posi
tion to assist the company.
Sydney City Council de
cided yesterday to cancel a
51 million agreement with
Mainline for a plaza and
shopping arcadc in the city. |
But the council agreed to
allow Mainline to proceed
with an $18 million contract
for the new 28-storcy town
hall house now under way
behind the Town Hall.
The receiver-manager of
Mainline, Mr J. 11. Jamison,
cxpccts to know "in a couple
of days" if the company can
be saved.
lie said today he had
made "certain propositions to
ccrtain people".