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Before Justice Higgins, in
Court 2, at lOarii: Judgment: Si-
mon John McKee v Simon James
Overland; Janice Mary Ferguson
For hearing: Dean Worth v
Brown and Dureau Building Pty
Limited trading as APM Wood
Products; Heather Prosser v Da-
vid Jones (Aust) Pty Limited.
Before Justice Carruthers, in
Court l, at 10am: Trial: R v David
Harold Eastman (part-heard).
Before the Master, in Healing
Room 1, 4th Floor, AMP Building,
Hobart Place, at 10am: Hearing:
Norman John Hoey v Ruth Pot
ter; Susan Elizabeth Burn v Di-
ana Patacca; Susan Elizabeth
Burn v Donald Francis Tobin.
Before the Registrar, in Court
6, at 9.30am: Return of subpoenas:
Sokolowski v Andre Herzog Pty
Ltd; Cooke v Poole; Goff v Spra-
dau; Fallows v Traikbridge Pty
Ltd trading as Canberra Roof
Trusses; Rowsell v Mahoney; En-
right v Wtndley.
At 10am: Motions — Criminal
Injuries Compensation: Re an ap-
Motions — Civil Jurisdiction:
MMI Limited v Skatebin Form
work Pty Limited; Felscot Pty Ltd
and the Corporations Law; Buffa-
lo Constructions Pty Ltd and the
Corporations Law; Sicom Pty Ltd
and the Corporations Law; Filler
v Spotless Catering Services Ltd;
Hubbard v Commonwealth of
Australia; Ligacs v Gorman and
another; Australian Trade Com-
mission v Healey and another;
Charge v Taylor; Kaczmarek v
Kennedy Cleaning Services (Aus
tralia) Pty Ltd; Schulterjohann v
Concrete Constructions Pty Ltd
and another; Parbig Holdings Pty
Ltd v Reid and oihers; Ryan v
Federal Capital Press of Australia
Pty Ltd.
Jurors serving in the trial of R
v Eastman are required today at
Persons who were summonsed
to attend the Supreme Court on
May 15 for jury service are not
required today but will be re-
quired tomorrow at 9.30am.
Before Professor L. J. Curtis,
President, in Hearing Room 2,
Canberra House, 40 Marcus
Clarke Street. At 9.30am: direc-
tions hearing, Hodgetts and Regis-
trar of Motor Vehicles; at 10am:
"C" and Discrimination Commis-
Before Deputy Registrar popple,
in Conference room 1, at 9am: Ex-
amination on Relief Application;
at 10am: another.
ACT Registry: Before Mr J.
Baird, in the Conference Room, at
1pm: Reference from the Industri-
al Court of Australia for concilia-
tion between Stephen W. Thomas
and Canberra Institute of Tech-
nology Students Association re al-
leged unlawful termination; at
2.30pm: Reference from the Indus-
trial Court of Australia for concil-
iation between Werner McCollard
and Best and Less Pty Ltd re al-
leged unlawful termination; at
4pm: Reference from the Industri-
al Court of Australia for concilia-
tion between Garry A. Reid and
Woden Tradesman's Union Club
re alleged unlawful termination.
Before Registrar Hayward, in
the Conference Room, at 10am:
Reference from the Industrial
Court of Australia, Patricia A.
Robinson and Advance Hospitali-
ty Supplies Pty Ltd re alleged un
lawful termination.