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By arrangement with the Newcastle
Chamber of Commerce, the Hon. J. L.
Fogan, the Minister for Mines and Agricul
ture, accompanied to Newcastle by the mid
day train yesterday Mr. G. Delprat, the
mino manager of the Broken Hill Proprie
tary Company, which owns-the site of the
old Port Waratah Smelting Works, pur
chased a few years ago from the Waratnh
Company at a cost of about £15,000. Dr.
J. R. H. Robertson, the managing director
of the Caledonian Coal Comipany; Mr. R. N.
Kirk, the Sydney representative of the Bro
ken Hill Proprietary Company; and Mr.
C. W. Baxter, of Messrs. Davis and Fehon,
Sydney, also accompanied Mr. Delprat.
These gentlemen were met at the station
by his Worship the Mayor, Alderman A.
Timbury; the president of the Chamber of
Commerce, Mr. G. F. Earp; the secretary,
Mr. O. Vansey; Messrs. H. Berkeley, X. B.
Sharp, Julian WVindeyer, H. R. Cross, H.
Hogue, H..C..JLangwill, W. H. Baker, J. M.
Hyde, G. Bewick, Joseph Wood, S. W.
Chadwiek, E. A. Whitley, and the Rev. S.
C. J. Grime.
After a formal welcome, an adjournment
was made to the Great Northern Hotel,
where Mr. Earl), in a few appropriate words,
proposed the health of Mr. Delprat, and
wished him an enjoyable visit, expressing
also the hope that his visit would tend to
wards the commercial advantage of tihe
port. The Hon. the Minister' having sup
ported the toast, Mr. Delprat acknowledged
the kindly sentiment; and, after lunch, an
excursion was made up the North Harbour,
more particularly for the purpose of paying
a visit of inspection to the Port Waratah
smelting site. Mr. H. D. Walsh, the Super
intendent of the Harbours and Rivers De
partment, placed the steamer Minerva at
the disposal of the party, and he and Cap
tain Newton, tile harbour master, accom
panied the visitors, explaining the various
points of interest around the harbour.
From the smelting site Messrs. Delprat,
Kirk, Robertson, Earp, and Berkeley jour
neyed across towards the Waratah Colliery,
an engine and conveyance being placed at
their disposal by Mr.. Duncan M'Geachie,
the colliery manager for the Caledonian
Coal Company. It is believed that the visit
of Messrs. Delprat and Kirk has reference
to the early utilisation of the site at Port
Waratah for reproductive purposes. It was
freely mentioned on board the Minerva that
a beginning would be made with the erec
tion of smelting works in the course of a
couple of months, but Mr. Delprat could
not be induced to state the whole object
of his mission. To-day the visitors will be
taken out to the Sulphide Works at Cockle
Creek, and on Saturday the Chamber of
Commerce will arrange some form of en
toertainment for them, their stay in New
castle extending over three days.