"If a man were fool enough to base his [?] on his wife 's goodness - why. Don 't you see that I may admire all [?] and yet differ altogether? Isn 't it ...
Article : 1288 words view this articleGlory be to Groin! My old friend has at last ed Monna Vanna, clad in her cloak into St. james 's Palace, and secured for her one pice garment the blessing of the Lord Chamberlain and the ...
Article : 1211 words view this articleWhat is to happen one wonders to the portrait of Lord Beaconsfield (says a London paper) which Bismarck begged from him after the Berlin Congress It hung in the Prince 's cabinet ...
Article : 243 words view this articleThis dreary period seems to be signified by the following ill - omened signs:— When He begins to take more interest in batting averages than in his own daily kissing ...
Article : 208 words view this articleNo other eyes that o' or met mine Have had that deep yet simple lure - Eyes maddening as age - old wine And yet so clear and pure. ...
Article : 157 words view this article"A man who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client." This is a tradition carefully kept alive by our always - alert legal profession. But it is probably true. It is also ...
Article : 120 words view this articleFirst Refuge: "Alas, my friend Such bloodshed, such horrors, such desecrations! But you. too, have seen your noblest churches shelled and destroyed" ...
Article : 43 words view this articleThe long tunic of overskirt, Fashion 's latest evolution' of the basque, is usually brought to within a few inches of the foot of the underskirt and stands away from it. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 86 words view this articleHow still this quiet cornfield is to - night; By an intenser gow the evening rams. B[?] hot darkness, bat a deeper A[?] Among the stooks a par[?] covey cans ...
Article : 732 words view this articleNo room is complete without books. In fact, they go a prodigiously long way to make a house a home. Our greatest treasures - R we possess no real library - find their way ...
Article : 821 words view this articleThe British airmen in Northern France and Belgium, who are doing priceless work in scouting and in directing our fire, are telling a good story about their colleague, ...
Article : 550 words view this articleOur redoubtable friend, the Russian, meanwhile playing a lone hand, cannot be included in any inquiry as to what the Allies think of one another (Nell Munro says in the Daily ...
Article : 906 words view this articleThere is no doubt about black being far and away the favorite color both for frocks and hats this season amongst the best dressed women, who are wise enough to ...
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