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New Catholic
For Tasmania
A Catholic hospital, to be con
ducted by the Sisters of Charity,
will be oponed In Launceston, the
Arohblnhop of Hobnrt (Moat Rov.
E. V. Tweedy, D.D.) has an
A building has boon acquired
for a temporary hospital, and ad
joining properties have boon so
aurod- for a now building, which
will porpotuato tho momory of Wil
liam Coogan, whoso boquest pro
vided the inonoy for the under
taking. . i
Tho hospital [will bo oponod in
August. I
Only ono''otlior Catholic hos
pital servos tho Archdioooao of
Hobart, Calvary Hospital, wliioli
is conductod by tho Littlo Com.
pany of Mary.